Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Lmbo!!! I swear this is one of the funniest groups! Just love checking in and getting a good laugh in my day! That whole spider web study convo just cracked me up!!! Hope everyone is doing well. We got some rain last couple of days! My skimpy garden is looking really sad with a bunch of roots showing after the rain washed away the topsoil. My melons and pumpkin patch probably not planted in the best area due to the run off water pond in the back swelling and about 12 ft from reaching them! Live and learn! It's still our first year here in the house so I'll get the lay of the land down yet! If nothing else, this attempt at "gardening" was a good practice run. I'm having fun laughing about it though so that's good! Now my chickens... Well I'm still waiting on them to lay the first egg :( hopefully soon! I feel like I'm scooping a lot of poop to keep them clean and happy that I should be rewarded with an egg! I hope I like them... Are raised chicken eggs an acquired taste??
Well on a happy note last night I treated myself to a coffee float with cookies and cream ice cream. Didn't want to toss the last of the pot so I thought I'd turn it into desert! I dunk cookies in coffee and add cream and sugar anyhow... It was a perfect treat and no coffee was tossed! Win!!

Ok, so... Extra legs, no thank you... Extra arms and hands would come in Handy :D

Great idea! Your a genius! Coffee float love it.
where did every one go?

Stay safe.... I was in the Cedar fires that swept through San Diego... got evacuated twice... It burned up to the backyard fence at Grandmas house... scary stuff.

We are surrounded by land that normally burns so there are no trees except in the valleys where they can get some ground water... But even then those flames were shooting thirty feet in the air....

How are your chickens handling the smoke? I suspect the misters help percolate it out of the air...

Stay safe.... I was in the Cedar fires that swept through San Diego... got evacuated twice... It burned up to the backyard fence at Grandmas house... scary stuff.

We are surrounded by land that normally burns so there are no trees except in the valleys where they can get some ground water... But even then those flames were shooting thirty feet in the air....

How are your chickens handling the smoke? I suspect the misters help percolate it out of the air...

That would be scary!

The Valley fire is about 50 miles North and over a mountain ridge from Woodland. There are a lot of miles of irrigated farmland between too.

The smoke is much better today but the temperatures will start going up for the weekend. Only to the 90s this time. Today and tomorrow will be fall like with a chance of rain on Wednesday.

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