Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Lol well that is pretty gross "looking at your own zoo under the microscope" lol and I think it would be a good idea to know how to do. But if they're changing the laws about off medications for farm animals to where a vet has to order them then what's the point in knowing how to do it?
Here I am with a "tip of the day"...
Lol well that is pretty gross "looking at your own zoo under the microscope" lol and I think it would be a good idea to know how to do. But if they're changing the laws about off medications for farm animals to where a vet has to order them then what's the point in knowing how to do it?

the law changes are about antibiotics.... i beleive.... wormers dont fall into that category.

but the deal is if you know what your stock has you can it gives you the opportunity to worm or not to worm and what to use.

When I was new to horses back in the era where injections were done with non disposable needles... Worming was a nasty affair the horse was twitched (pain application device caused them to quiet and shut down for the procedure) and a tube run up their nose and down into their stommachs then poison was pumped in to kill the worms. It was the only way to kill specific worms. This was done about once a year any more than that was too stressful... Unless it was a special need.

then it evolved into tube wormers with a paste about the consistency of tooth paste... Yay out of the torture phase. Yet still limeted to certain species of worms.... and occasinoally the old method needed to be used...

Then fast forward to just a few years ago... Now we have multiple brands of wormers to be used on a rotating basis... One every two to htree months.... and finally it got to the point where you were worming your horse once every six weeks... Just to be sure..

Putting poisons in your animals bodies takes a toll... and has a recovery time... even if its hours or a day or two. Some horse people I know do their own fecal tests on a monthly basis... One of my friends hasnt needed to worm her horse in over three years...

unfortunately Mycoplasma infections which is what started this conversation cant be detected through a fecal exam... and are very hard to dignose even in a lab... (i just read a single article so please do more research) it takes special dies to make the bacteria show up.. because its a bacteria without a cell wall.

I just caught back up!
I hope I'm concidered one of the FUN ones...

I will say, Poo? Never thought of looking closely to poo! Chicken poo is no fun to step in barefooted, but still don't look at it much....
Guess now I have a reason too... Who knew!!!!

Well Deb, how's it going? I love your exercise ideas, sound similar to what I'd get mom to do. She liked to walk around Walmart.

Teaching is going great! I might even know what I'm doing, some times....
I had the most horrid nightmare last night

Super vivid...

I picked up a chicken, checked it for lice (remember my chickens had lice last month), and found lice on it!!! I was so upset that they were back, or not gone, and kept looking the chicken over, and as I looked at it I noticed that it had no feathers at all... Just slightly fuzzy like a peach.

And I kept looking, to see how many lice were on it... And there were bunches... I noticed two deep holes close to its vent that were packed with lice, healthy looking skin, but crawling with lice

I was so upset, wondering how I would get the lice out of those tunnels....and them I woke up :rolleyes:
Back to pleasant coffee things.....

Coffee-Mate has Pumpkin Spice creamer out now. Yummmmm!

I notice their Peppermint Mocha is in the stores, too. Must be holiday season!
I think I might try the pumpkin.
I always felt my creeping waste line was the coffee additives, but when I cut them out nothing changed, so why not?

I have been collecting boxes of hot chocolate mixes and the small coffee mates every time I go grocery shopping to add to my son's college care packages.
Cookies and cocoa that has to make all that math easier to take.

I bought him some raspberry chocolate kuerig cups to send with the December package. They have a close knit dorm floor the girls across the way have the same coffee set up so they share and swap.
I miss my boy. But he is happy and that makes it easier. He has made good friends and that is great... and mom feels a bit obsolete.

But then I get the text: I need that small red first aid kit. Pack it in the next care package.

Me: ummm. What happened?

Are you okay?

Are we talking paper cut or are you in the infirmary?

Do I need to get an airplane ticket and fly up there?

HEY!!! text me back with some answers!!

Him: It's okay I found the band aids.

I had the most horrid nightmare last night

Super vivid...

I picked up a chicken, checked it for lice (remember my chickens had lice last month), and found lice on it!!! I was so upset that they were back, or not gone, and kept looking the chicken over, and as I looked at it I noticed that it had no feathers at all... Just slightly fuzzy like a peach.

And I kept looking, to see how many lice were on it... And there were bunches... I noticed two deep holes close to its vent that were packed with lice, healthy looking skin, but crawling with lice

I was so upset, wondering how I would get the lice out of those tunnels....and them I woke up

Since lice are blood feeders, a systemic will get them. Frontline, ivermectin, spinosad will all work like that.

No more mites and lice!
I think I skimmed over the treatment part. How is Frontline used again? (As in which Frontline (reg, Plus, spray), where to apply, how much?) And can it be used as a preventative?

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