Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

You should I'm not a huge fan of shakes(except the aforementioned crème brulé shake from past year) or cheesecake(bit too rich for me though I like certain flavors including a local caramel apple cheesecake that my local orchard is selling yum! But pricey) but let me tell you I really enjoyed that arby's shake and wanted more. But don't tell anyone BC I'm still officially unofficially on strike for them to bring back the crème brulé shake
Good evening all! Glad to see you all still here!

So far behind I didn't even attempt to catch up so I just hope all is well with all of you and your children and your critters, etc.

"As to the season of pumpkin... I can take it or leave it, EGGNOG season though! WOWSERS do I struggle to 1. Keep myself from buying it, and 2. Keep myself from gaining 10 or so pounds from drinking it!!!"
- I totally agree! I can absolutely inhale a whole quart of good quality eggnog and they have it in the stores already!!! (I don't consume the alcoholic variety) So I have to fight buying it at as well. However, I did buy a quart of soymilk nog last week and found acceptably palatable and it is at least a bit lower cal and somewhat healthier than the full fat cow variety.

I also agree about the Frontline. I won't even use the stuff on my puppy. Tried it on my last dog once and I thought she was being a drama queen until I checked the spot where I had put it and she was having an allergic reaction to the stuff and it was burning her. Into the tub she went and a nice warm bath and that garbage went where it belonged. Expensive lesson learned. last time I let a vet push me to go against my better judgement.

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