Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

My coffee tastes funny.
Only two cups of coffee so far and I'm feeling it.
on the bright side I've been (kind of) productive this morning. Chicken pens are cleaned, brooder tidied, and rabbit pen scrubbed. Now I just need to clean bathrooms, vacuum house, clean kitchen, brush dogs, do laundry and dust all before three o'clock.... I'm gonna need more coffee.
Only two cups of coffee so far and I'm feeling it.
on the bright side I've been (kind of) productive this morning. Chicken pens are cleaned, brooder tidied, and rabbit pen scrubbed. Now I just need to clean bathrooms, vacuum house, clean kitchen, brush dogs, do laundry and dust all before three o'clock.... I'm gonna need more coffee.
is right.... all in one day? you got company coming?

Been a bachelor(ette) all my life though. I vacuume when i see dirt. eat off paper plates do laundry when I run out of something. Only one bathroom so I keep it reasonalby tidy. I used to use the out house till it blew over.

Grooming There was a line.... Dogs and Goats get groomed twice a year I had one goat that sheded out wool. Reasonably short coated dog but she did shed spring and fall. But they all loved it. Horse once a week she just goes out and dusts herself anyway. Its so dry here any poo that hits the ground is dessicated by 48 hours so raking is aabout all i do... For any of them

I use rice hulls for bedding and add them every so often for the chickens. Horse has nice soft sand to nap in.

The goats seemed to prefer their play structures to lay on.

When I remodel the house there will be a major change in flooring.... I want that ceramic tile that looks like hardwood floors. and Descreet Drains in each of the rooms so I can mop and squeegie. I dont even like drapes but they help keep the house warm. I would prefer shutters or blinds. Then I can put in Area rugs for barefoot traffic in winter.

:th is right....  all in one day?   you got company coming?

Been a bachelor(ette) all my life though.   I vacuume when i see dirt.  eat off paper plates  do laundry when I run out of something.  Only one bathroom so I keep it reasonalby tidy.    I used to use the out house till it blew over.

Grooming There was a line.... Dogs and Goats get groomed twice a year I had one goat that sheded out wool. Reasonably short coated dog but she did shed spring and fall. But they all loved it.  Horse once a week she just goes out and dusts herself anyway.    Its so dry here  any poo that hits the ground is dessicated by 48 hours so raking is aabout all i do...  For any of them

I use rice hulls for bedding and add them every so often for the chickens.  Horse has nice soft sand to nap in.

The goats seemed to prefer their play structures to lay on.

When I remodel the house there will be a major change in flooring....  I want that ceramic tile that looks like hardwood floors.  and Descreet Drains in each of the rooms so I can mop and squeegie.   I dont even like drapes but they help keep the house warm.  I would prefer shutters or blinds.    Then I can put in Area rugs for barefoot traffic in winter.

Well I failed in my quest
. Got rooms cleaned, vacuumed, cleaned bathrooms, cleaned kitchen, finished laundry, and dusted! But doggies are still yet to be brushed, so I suppose that will happen tomorrow after church.... And then I shall crash.
Hey after i was online this morning I called my mom up and asked if she felt like a road trip. Asked her to come getme.... And I drove us up to the house. She wont let me take her car up the driveway... so I just got to see the storage container

We took dog and Chicken food up to my neighbor Tom along with some parts to repair Katees water hose.

Gawd it was beautiful up there. the desert Lilac was in bloom. It hasnt bloomed for a couple of years. The Air smelled like Air. and the smell rocks have. Ozone I guess.

I couldnt lift the feed bags and Tom wasnt home so I just dropped them on the ground. mom tied the bag of parts on the fence and we left.

I barely made it home but I made the trip. One more step toward normal. I am afraid I may have to retire the truck If I dont get my strength back.


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