Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

yup made it

Yep, guess I knew it, one step over the line. Oh well, never was good at doing things
"a little at a time" so what the heck. Now, where did I hide those catalogs????
I have a plan for downsizing... I really do....I was supposed to process some old hens yesterday. One of them is 7 years old and looks very round. I also have a 6 year old Australorp and some 5 year old EEs. They do not lay any more.

Nope, found other things to do instead....

And I am thinking I need more green and blue eggs so my be firing up the incubator soon. Yep, I am well on the way to downsizing!
Hey, this is a good thread! Coffee brings people together
The thing is, I have been terrified of drinking coffee because my grandpa told me it stunts your growth. Well, for poor 5'4 me, that meant a lot! I just now learned that coffee, in fact, does not stunt your growth, so I have been slowly falling in love with Starbucks latte packets. The directions should literally say "add hot water for paradise and a drowsy-free day!" And coffee has pretty much saved me in the mornings because my volley ball team insists on practicing at 6:00 in the morning. That's right, 6:00am! Anyway, good thread and I hope I can contribute!


Hey, this is a good thread! Coffee brings people together
The thing is, I have been terrified of drinking coffee because my grandpa told me it stunts your growth. Well, for poor 5'4 me, that meant a lot! I just now learned that coffee, in fact, does not stunt your growth, so I have been slowly falling in love with Starbucks latte packets. The directions should literally say "add hot water for paradise and a drowsy-free day!" And coffee has pretty much saved me in the mornings because my volley ball team insists on practicing at 6:00 in the morning. That's right, 6:00am! Anyway, good thread and I hope I can contribute!



Starbucks is not coffee!!

Latte is not coffee!

Please wean yourself of those addictive mind controlling drugs and just drink good old coffee...

Also please join the anti-duck league of America to help rid the world of web feet!
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