Six weeks of squats, no eggs.


Apr 29, 2020
NE Illinois
My olive egger is 24 weeks old today. Her sisters have all started laying, doing the usual 7-10 days after squatting to lay (note: one of them is an EE, but none of the rest are OEs, so I don't have a direct comparison). No eggs from her yet, despite lots of squatting.

It's not like 24 weeks would be overly-late for her to lay, but she was the first to squat and it's been fully six weeks since her first squat. She's got a pea comb and it's nice and red (and has been since just before she started squatting). She'll sometimes hang out in the house and putput when others lay. Sang an egg song for one of her sisters maybe three weeks ago. But has shown no interest in the egg boxes, etc.

We had two blue/green soft shell roost eggs last week, so I gave her a calcium pill in case that was her. But we've pretty firmly established that was the EE working out the kinks. And she's definitely not laying anywhere else in the run. They also get yard time, but only 5p on, so I don't think she could be holding on to eggs that late in the day every day. She's totally happy, healthy otherwise.

I'll also note that she's the biggest space cadet/Luna Lovegood. A frequent comedy scene at our house is her tearing across the yard when she finally looks around and realizes the rest of the flock has moved on... a long time ago. So deciding to squat but then not having any interest in laying (or taking forever to do it) is not outside the realm of possibility for her personality.

Has anyone else had a pullet squat period this long without eggs? Or are eggs maybe just not for her? (There's no action item here; she's a big doofus and we love her - just wondering)
Every single day I see her look around at least once and go, "oh crap!" [furious running].

I don't care if she never lays a single egg - she's so weird (and about the only one with a personality out of these chicks).

I shall continue the wait! Thanks!

Curious....has she layed yet?
Well, well, well. After a new round of squats and an egg song yesterday (to let me know she'd kicked a wooden egg out of one of the egg boxes) - guess who laid her very first egg at almost exactly ten months old!

And it was blue.

The hatchery my store got them from used CLs to breed their OEs last year, and this white/wheaten, chipmunk cheeked girl never looked like she has lick of CL in her. So I figured she was just an EE in the wrong bin. I read on another thread that Ameraucanas can take longer to mature (some come into lay at 9mo), so maybe she got an extra helping of the fancy blue genes.

Figured I'd update for anyone else worried they got a dud. And, of course, @sourland was correct - they lay when they decide they want to lay!

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