Skin Problem

Good idea. I did not save the bag, just added to the scratch, what was left. Give me a minute and I can post be4 and after pics.
B6-8 wks ago atop, today below. I CAN see the diff......

It could be... Is there something clumping against the feather shaft at the base, or is that just dirt?

I think that the black looking stuff on her breast bone and feet is mite feces. Of course at this time of the year she should be molting as well.

Check on feather mites, red mites, gray mites and scaly leg mites. Don't forget lice and stick tights.
Chanceymillardo, I think your birds have northern fowl mites. They stay on the birds, not like red mites that feed at night then hide in the coops during the day. Very hard to get rid of. I had my birds pick them up at a show last spring and I'm still trying to get rid of them. Every time I think I have beat them, I find them starting again. Ivermectin seems to work the best, but you need to retreat at least 2 or 3 times. And a bath in flea and tick shampoo for puppies or kittens helps too. Or Dawn dish soap.
Chanceymillardo, I think your birds have northern fowl mites. They stay on the birds, not like red mites that feed at night then hide in the coops during the day. Very hard to get rid of. I had my birds pick them up at a show last spring and I'm still trying to get rid of them. Every time I think I have beat them, I find them starting again. Ivermectin seems to work the best, but you need to retreat at least 2 or 3 times. And a bath in flea and tick shampoo for puppies or kittens helps too. Or Dawn dish soap.

Wow, You are a wealth of info, experience. Does that look the way, In Your Opinion, to my girl? I am in the N, but not had issue b4 having this one. She came from a BIG place..What is the Actual Drug name of Vet RX?
VetRx, sold at most feed stores.
I have been looking online and cannot find Ivermectin to purchase. I will check my local feed store soon. Is it prescription only?

Ivermectin can be found At feed stores. I use the Ivermicten I have to worm my horses. For horses, It's a cream. I've also heard using just a lil bit of electrolytes in the water feeders helps. Perhaps a dose or 2, in the past has helped My hen improve?
Combination of free range, she wasn't used to, Electrolytes...
..Who knows, but will p/u VetRX when in town. Try that also...Oh, I have had an egg a DAY FOR 2 days running. She wasn't as generous before. ALSO a GOOD Sign.
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