Slipped tendon, splayed leg? Confused!

I am sorry to say that we lost them.Both had a left leg that they couldn't straighten. It was just bent and unmovable. The other seemed to work fine. We straightened the leg and wrapped it. then after a few hours it seemed that the other leg went splayed. I just think they weren't meant to be. The one remaining chic is all alone, but at least she is eating and drinking.

So sorry to hear.
Thanks, yes she is glad to have friends, although it was shaky at first. they all picked one each other quite violently at fist. No blood wash shed and now they all get along just fine.
I have an almost week old EE with this same problem, I'm having a hard time finding much on treatment, other than popping it back in place, but it already has shortened too much for that.
I wish I had known what it was when I first noticed, I'm just so upset.
Someone please help! My 3 week old rooster is having a leg problem with just one of his legs. It looks like his hock is turning inward and he is having trouble walking on it. They are in a Rubbermaid tub with deep pine shavings. Not sure if I should try to put hobble on his legs or what. If so should i attach one right where his hock joint is or should i put one just below that joint? Just started today all the other chicks are fine. Attaching photo. Thanks so much.
Someone please help! My 3 week old rooster is having a leg problem with just one of his legs. It looks like his hock is turning inward and he is having trouble walking on it. They are in a Rubbermaid tub with deep pine shavings. Not sure if I should try to put hobble on his legs or what. If so should i attach one right where his hock joint is or should i put one just below that joint? Just started today all the other chicks are fine. Attaching photo. Thanks so much.
I replied to your post on the other thread. Here is a link to read about leg problems--look at slipped tendon:
He's basically the same. I haven't been able to get the tendon to move back into place for the last 2 days, so I've been leaving the brace off. The injured leg is now noticeably shorter and smaller than the healthy leg. The tendon used to wiggle from side to side, and I could massage it into place, but now it's like it's frozen. But he's still eating and drinking, and hopping around on the good leg, and frankly, he gets around way better with the brace off. There's no swelling in the joint at all. I still don't know what to think. I took a video of Neutron so you could see how he's getting around. It's 2 minutes long and not very exciting. Please ignore his brooder buddy...that's Pazuzu. Pazuzu is a camera hog.
Two of my newly hatched chicks have the exact same thing, I have tried the bandaid method and the rubber band and straw and I'm getting vitamin e in the morning for their water but none of it seems to be working, for the time being I built them chick chairs but I'm not sure it the chick chairs are for spraddle leg or slipped tendon I just didn't know weather it was ok for them to be walking on it and everything I search it is spraddle leg not slipped tendon.

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