Small coop-one noisy hen?


9 Years
Jul 6, 2014
Orange County CA

As you can see , I have a small coop made from a kit and one barred rock or Dominique hen. I started with three chicks and gave away two as they grew and I could ser the coop was too small. I kept Opal who had the most personality. Now she has grown into a demanding squawking bird. She wants out of that coop to free range all day! She squawks very loud and I am worried about her annoying the neighbors and my husband who is home during the day. We added a small run in front but the hat doesn't seem to make her happy. She lays 6 eggs per week and will jump up to sit on my shoulder when I sit outside. Advice needed!
she's most likely lonely. Whenever i am forced to keep a chicken by itself, they usually get really loud or depressed (i had a girl who watched her only buddy get eaten and she was depressed for two weeks before finally accepting a new friend...yeah, chickens have feelings). Anyways, i would try to get her a friend and see if that helps. most hens will just cluck quietly to each except when they lay an egg, then they will of course sing their egg song. I have had a couple odd girls that were just unusually loud, but only had it happen 3 times out of over 100 birds.

As you can see , I have a small coop made from a kit and one barred rock or Dominique hen. I started with three chicks and gave away two as they grew and I could ser the coop was too small. I kept Opal who had the most personality. Now she has grown into a demanding squawking bird. She wants out of that coop to free range all day! She squawks very loud and I am worried about her annoying the neighbors and my husband who is home during the day. We added a small run in front but the hat doesn't seem to make her happy. She lays 6 eggs per week and will jump up to sit on my shoulder when I sit outside. Advice needed!

This is a result of having a single bird - your bird will be best served by expanding your setup to accommodate at least one flock-mate, rehoming this hen to a home where she is not an only chicken until you are able to provide housing for at least 2 birds and starting over or looking into what is involved in keeping a single chicken as a house pet, etc in which you become the flock-mate.
As other posters said, she needs a friend! She doesn't feel safe all alone and she has no one to talk to. (chickens are talkers) No one to eat breakfast and dinner with. :( For now, letting her be a house chicken, spending a lot of time with her or letting a well trained dog be a companion (outside her coop and run) until you find her a sister is what she needs. Also, put a mirror in her run. After a while, she will know she is just looking at herself, but she will continue to do it bc seeing any other chicken, is comforting for her at this point. As soon as she gets to know a new friend, she will be fine.
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Thanks everyone - you confirmed my suspicions that she may be lonely. My husband is not as excited about having chickens as I am and he compromised to one chicken. He doesn't like the idea of another one! My only thought is why is she quiet when she out free ranging? She is still totally alone most of the time. I have a cat and they get along fine but the cat isn't near her most of the time. Also, she sings the egg song a few times aday and for a long period of time. Is that normal?
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Thanks everyone - you confirmed my suspicions that she may be lonely. My husband is not as excited about having chickens as I am and he compromised to one chicken. He doesn't like the idea of another one! My only thought is why is she quiet when she out free ranging? She is still totally alone most of the time. I have a cat and they get along fine but the cat isn't near her most of the time. Also, she sings the egg song a few times aday and for a long period of time. Is that normal?
most likely she is quiet outside because she has something to do and occupy her time with. usually the hen only sings the egg song 1 time, but being lonely she is trying to get someone to answer her. when one sings the egg song, a few others usually join in to congratulate them :)
It's really difficult to mimic chicken sounds but I can do the egg song. Even though I have many birds, including roosters chiming in on the egg song, I will sing along if I am with them! Maybe you can sing along with her too.
I don't think I can sing the song with her. I live in So Cal and the yards are very small. Neighbors are too close for my taste and that is why I am worried about get making noise. I will start looking for another chicken. Until then, I will go out and distract her if I am home.
I don't think I can sing the song with her. I live in So Cal and the yards are very small. Neighbors are too close for my taste and that is why I am worried about get making noise. I will start looking for another chicken. Until then, I will go out and distract her if I am home.

You can always turn to noise ordinances. There must be children laughing, screeching, crying, riding skateboards, pokcet bikes ect. Isn't there one of those guys who is constantly wrenching and revving a car? The girl who talks loudly on her cell phone all afternoon as soon as she gets out of school? What about radios, lawn mowing, leaf blowing ect.? Isn't noise allowed from 8am to 10pm? Would they complain if you were singing some other song? Aren't most people at work or school during egg laying hours? Chickens are quiet at dusk, which is more than can be said for people.

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