Smoky Mtn East TN

laughing dog- I haven't seen any chicks at my local CoOp but when I did their brooders looked much nicer than the tubs the local TSC keeps theirs in. Glad the ducks are coming by to visit. Crystal10asee- I have never used a plastic tote for a brooder but many people do. I usually go to Lowe's: start out with the largest moving box and if I can't get them outside soon enough I will go back to Lowe's and get an appliance box to use. I also put the side or top from one of my dog crates on top to keep the light from falling in. It works well for me. I just got 10 buff Orpingot chicks from Don Chandler and they are starting in a box and hopefully by next week PS will be well enough to go back to the flock. She had a horrible injury from the rooster and had surgery a week ago yesterday. She is in the small coop I use for a brooder until she heals and stitches are removed. Here she is after her surgery ETA: this was an accident. the rooster cut her during breeding and it continued to rip when he bred her. I did not discover it until I went to put a saddle on her.
oh, I hope she gets better soon. Yeah,I woulde'nt have used the plastic either it was something I had to do spur of the moment and was just improvising. I was responding to an earlier quote when I took the pics. Of the brooder I concocted.I would much rather have one of the metal ones or even better one of those brooder things from I believe brinsea,and they all just go under it when their cold
I need help i have no idea if their just molting idk if roosters even molt they are both 9-10 months old they are rir mix whats wrong wiht them ????

Looks like mange mites. My cure for that is ivemectin pour-on put on their skin. Next day, mites are dead. Then you might want to spoil them for a couple weeks with added protein (for feather growth).

See the way they are broke off? That is where the mites chew through the feather's stem like a beaver does a tree. It isn't the end of the world, but it can lead to other things like blood loss, lay rate slowing or stopping, or worse... something like littlechicklet up there where the rooster accidentally hurts them.

Others use other treatments for mites, so my way isn't the only way. I just find it the easiest for me.
Looks like mange mites. My cure for that is ivemectin pour-on put on their skin. Next day, mites are dead. Then you might want to spoil them for a couple weeks with added protein (for feather growth).

See the way they are broke off? That is where the mites chew through the feather's stem like a beaver does a tree. It isn't the end of the world, but it can lead to other things like blood loss, lay rate slowing or stopping, or worse... something like littlechicklet up there where the rooster accidentally hurts them.

Others use other treatments for mites, so my way isn't the only way. I just find it the easiest for me. this ??? it say it for worms ?

Nope, this stuff....

No, not the paste. Use the pour on

I second tnchickenut.

I use the pour on too. I use 1/2 cc/ml in a syringe without the needle and make sure you get down to the skin & not on the feathers. I put mine behind their neck near the shoulder area. I repeat it in 10 days. This is how I treat and many other people use different methods. Here's a link about it:

ETA: I see tnchickenut beat me too it. LOL
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No, not the paste. Use the pour on

I second tnchickenut.

I use the pour on too. I use 1/2 cc/ml in a syringe without the needle and make sure you get down to the skin & not on the feathers. I put mine behind their neck near the shoulder area. I repeat it in 10 days. This is how I treat and many other people use different methods. Here's a link about it:

ETA: I see tnchickenut beat me too it. LOL

Pinch, poke, you owe me a coke!
oh, I hope she gets better soon.
Yeah,I woulde'nt have used the plastic either it was something I had to do spur of the moment and was just improvising. I was responding to an earlier quote when I took the pics. Of the brooder I concocted.I would much rather have one of the metal ones or even better one of those brooder things from I believe brinsea,and they all just go under it when their cold

I completely understand about the "spur of the moment improvising".....seems I do it all the time. I would love one of those Brinsea brooder things but don't think its in my budget.
I made it out to Mountain City animal auction yesterday, and found my black silkies! I bought 2 roo's and one young hen. When I went to show my my dad my new babies, one of the roosters ran into the woods and I couldn't catch him :( we have a trap set now, but I don't expect to see him again. It really is a sad thing, and all my fault! I've had to separate the new ones from my chicks, they are about a months and half old. The bigger birds are pecking them. How do I stop this? And when I picked up the roo today, he threw up clear liquid. Is this normal? I'm afraid to put these with my others until they are full grown.

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