Smoky Mtn East TN

I put it right on the mid back on the skin I don't squirt it unless I can see the skin . Do u think I could make separate pens and isolate all of them from each other and leave the coop take out all the bedding materials and just let it sit for 2 weeks ? Their roosting post is a steel pole so idt there is any place for mites to hide on their. I cant see the mites I dnt think it looks kinda like black dandruff is that them ? And does ivemectin work on lice too ?
Hey all. I'm in the market for a bigger coop. Do any of you know where I might find one? Thanks in advance.
ive only had the one outbreak of feather lice on my pigeons (a wonderful gift from the ducks to my parlors..), but using th DE diatomacious earth has seemed to work for that and i havent ever seen the feather lice anywere but on those birds, though did put out a vinager and slight dishsoap bath also and been using the DE in their food at two to four percent for their tiny bantam chicken size, as a wormer, dusted around in cage and offered as dust bath, and they seem to love it and feathers coming back great now. lluckily the chickens dont seem to have gotten the feather mites/lice yet at least though they all do go out together at times recent. Be sure when treating to get ESPECIALLY under each wing good and undersides even with sprays and washes, under tail. if you have scaley leg mites treat with vinager or vaseline to draw out those as well to be killed also, as mites can hide in and under scales and not be killed of supposedly.

yeah the two white silkie mixes were the bullies before feathering in, now the three games (found out that the two black are also OEGB hens as well as the BB red), seem to be ganging up on the big silkies and and going at their toe and neck/chest, and saddle feathers mostly now luckily.

think my mystery chick, is a lavender/cream D'uccle mix (maybe faverlle?), hen, as looking just like the cockerel (so cute when he crows now!) mille de fleur belguim D'uccle (or whatever whole long name is), as looks just like him now that catching up on feathering, except for color and longer lower thicker tail feathers so far. the mystery chick buddy bought week to month later that was de beaked is finally catching up and now named: bunson De beaker... lol yes just like the two muppets. I call the white silkie mixes the fraggles.

beautiful silkies by the way.
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I put it right on the mid back on the skin I don't squirt it unless I can see the skin . Do u think I could make separate pens and isolate all of them from each other and leave the coop take out all the bedding materials and just let it sit for 2 weeks ? Their roosting post is a steel pole so idt there is any place for mites to hide on their. I cant see the mites I dnt think it looks kinda like black dandruff is that them ? And does ivemectin work on lice too ?

I don't think separating them is really going to help much but I am not an expert . And locking them out of the coop for two weeks???? My understanding and treatment approach is the same as you would use if your dogs/cats and house were infested with fleas: leaving for 2 weeks & treating only the animals is not going to stop the life cycle of the fleas. Even if the roost is metal is it connected to wooden walls? Black dandruff could be mites but I don't know. does it move? do they get on you? look like little tiny specks? Finally my understanding is Ivermectin also works on lice.

Here is one if the ways I treat my chickens & their coop:

1. Treat Chickens with Ivermectin
2. Remove all litter from coop
3. Scrub coop with detergent/cleaning solution & bleach
4. Allow coop to dry
5. Spray coop thoroughly with Permethrin mix
6. Allow to dry with chickens locked out for a few hours
7. Put in fresh litter (I prefer cedar but many people are opposed to it)
8. Sprinkle Sevin Dust on top of litter or on floor before placing litter in coop
9. Repeat Ivermectin on chickens in 7-10 days
10. Make sure chickens have access to a dust bathing area.

Again use your best judgement: its your chickens. I do what works for me but its only my opinion & I am not opposed to using chemicals but some people are. Good luck.
Hatching update...
I am going to set a bunch of guinea eggs this weekend.
I don't have any idea how many will hatch since they keep hiding them in different places and I've lost track of some of the ages, but we'll see...

In the meantime, my Rhodebar hatch produced 7 cockerels and only 1 pullet. I've named her Hope...

And I candled 2 of my Swedish Flower eggs yesterday and both were fertile - yeah!!!
RedRidge- congrats on the hatch & sorry you only got one pullet, also good luck with the SFH.

luluann- I don't know of anyone that has any of what you are looking for. Good luck

Here's BB and the 3 chicks she hatched. She has 2 blue Orps and one black Olive Egger.
i am looking for peafowl eggs, Turkey eggs, and Guinea eggs. Does anyone have any?

I've got plenty of Bourbon Red Turkey eggs I will sell, I've probably have 70 or more poults right now so I am not going to hatch anymore! I have been selling them on ebay but will also sell locally, $2. per egg. Can't help with the guineas and peafowl eggs, I am still keeping all of them.

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