Smoky Mtn East TN

We finally bought our own stainless tub plucker.
We are going to offer to local folks for a small daily fee in order to help others in the area be able to process their own chickens.
If anyone is in need of it for their own processing, just pm me.

I just moved back from sevierville, co-op brand probly what paying for.. you have to ask for "cumberland mills" brand feeds, as ten to twelve dollars only, but most places won't tell you they carry unless ask if its available. its nothing fancy, my fowl/poultry and i prefer the moderate "co-op" brand, and "manna pro" (worth it though terribly expensive for more than very small flock). most small bags of most feeds will run ten dollars even, and bad scratch fifteen, so ten at some places for "cumberland mills" fifty pound bag seems great, though notice mine need to eat more maybe to get full, so maybe not bargain over "co-op" fifty pound layer at two to five bucks more once thoughts of price and nutritional contents VS consumption calculated.
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As for feed we have found that our local feed store has better prices and carry's a Purina regional mix. Have you checked any local feed stores in Sevierville? I know there is at least one but can't remember where.

We tried a feed store up toward Morristown (can't remember the name right off) but was not impressed with the cheaper feed they carried but they also carried some better brands. The last times I went to my local feed store they were out of the Purina so I ended up with something made in Texas and it turned out to be another one I did not care for plus was more expensive than the Purina. Both of the brands I didn't like were loaded with corn & just had a dull ashy look to them.
I grow or order separate ingredients and grind and mix my own rations.
I ferment the grains, then mix in the other ingredients depending on management group.
I also raise BSF which is so very easy to do in East TN and is free.
This is much cheaper than bagged food, higher quality feed, they waste none, eat less, and I get a premium for my eggs since they have no soy and are gmo free.
My chickens MUST support themselves... they must provide me with meat and eggs and as a minimum pay for all their upkeep... selling eggs is the best way to do that.
And the demand is high right now for quality, free range, soy free, non-gmo eggs.
i called a place in jeff city and they were wanting 16 for 50lb of layer going to try and hang tough till next summer than grow everything to make my own
i called a place in jeff city and they were wanting 16 for 50lb of layer going to try and hang tough till next summer than grow everything to make my own

Nutribalancer is really the only thing you should have to purchase... although if I have a lot of chicks and I'm out of organ meats I will purchase fish meal for the babies since BSF is too high in calcium for those who aren't laying yet.
Corn, peas, oats, BSF, alfalfa... pretty easy... you just have to make sure you have plenty of animal protein.
A good ration balancer will help determine that.
Hey Y'all! Good to find the East TN chicken people represented here! I'm on my second round of raising chickens after just moving back home from Key Largo FL. So glad to be on the farm and obsessed with my cute balls of fluff!!

I went to the TVAI fair September 7 to see all the breeds being shown then bought my 7 pullets and one cockerel there. I'd never heard of a Copper Marans and decided to start with a pair of French Coppers that I brought home. They are so cute, they're totally "a couple". They stick together like lovebirds.

Then, I had to wait for all judging to complete, and I went back and got a second French Black Copper Maran, 2 white Leghorns, a Welsummer and a Langshan.

While I was there asking about getting an Amerauracana, a breeder told me he had one to sell me. But it was at his home and he would go get it later that day. So, a third time I went to the fair to get my last little lady. She's about 2 yrs old and lays pretty blue/gray eggs.

They're all very sweet. I hand feed them treats and pick them up almost every day - even the cockerel doesn't mind too much. I just wish he'd start crowing!!

Back to my original BCM pair, the pullet is the smallest of all my girls so I was worried she would get pecked alot. Turns out FiFi is very jealous of her cockerel, Francois-Pierre. She chases off all the other girls! It's the funniest thing to watch when one of them comes walking by, anywhere near "her man", she throws a fit!! Lol.

So anyway, having lots of fun with my new flock and really enjoy reading everyone else's stories on BYC. We are in East Knox County near the Holston River and I'd be interested if there were any kind of chicken club out this way. Please PM me if you know.
Yes. The TVPC... Tn Valley Poultry Club. I can post their web page and fb page later if needed but you should be able to goggle it

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