Smoky Mtn East TN

BTW....dont want to "re-invent the wheel" but suck at "finding" AND understanding comprehensive info... so, any and all help appreciated... specifically looking for " for dummy" type stuff...

thanks! :)
if you could pick ONE resource to give you the best info to start raising layers... what would it be? website, book, etc...


A mentor... hands on is the quickest intake of information. Find someone who is doing what you want to do and ask to live in their hip pocket for a while.
Hello everyone! I just started my chicken adventure last summer and have tried to keep it under control. Ha, boy that didn't last long. I currently have Polish, Silkies, Frizzles, Bantam Cochins (which I'd like to downsize) and Orpingtons. I also have Mallards, Mandarin and Wood ducks. I'm wanting to add some color variety to my eggs. Maybe marans, easter eggers, barnevelders, Amerucanas?
Hello everyone! I just started my chicken adventure last summer and have tried to keep it under control. Ha, boy that didn't last long. I currently have Polish, Silkies, Frizzles, Bantam Cochins (which I'd like to downsize) and Orpingtons. I also have Mallards, Mandarin and Wood ducks. I'm wanting to add some color variety to my eggs. Maybe marans, easter eggers, barnevelders, Amerucanas?

I would suggest French Copper Marans and Ameraucana !
Yes i second, ameruacana, Americana, and black copper kettle marans, as later you can use each or both for easter eggers, olive eggers, etc.

i keep bantam ameruacana, though breeder got from let naturally slip back to Americana, as he focused on forage abilities, hardiness, pred evasion, egg quantity and size (med eggs from something only twice size of dutch bantam hens i have and manly fluff), and varying egg and plumage colors. of four hens i lucked out to get a green, a blue, a pink, and tan, egg from them.

problem is i cannot get them to stop laying and having trouble with binding and prolaspsing just this week (i tried dark on grate with no food or water for day or two at a time). Id had them penned mostly lately but started letting out, and one hen, then another started wattling around day of and day before having trouble. eggs have gotten smaller around or more streamlined, but hens having trouble seeming getting them out, or with sudden changes maybe holding in looking where they each want to lay. they used to lay in neighbors yard till penned them up (his grandson loved off season easter egg hunting, and they have out houses for them), but started laying again on grate after bit and can't get them to stop.
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Does anyone have any white Japanese bantam eggs they might want to part with this Spring? I wanted to hatch out some chicks for my kids to see. I would like six eggs. The reason for white is because that is the opposite of what we hatched last year. We did blue cochin bantams last year and returned the chicks to the breeder. I will pay for the eggs as long as the cost is reasonable.

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