Snacks for my Pekin ducks???

5 Years
Aug 7, 2018
well I’ve been trying to do some Research and find some things to add to my ducks garden. Lol, yes they have their own garden… It is a raised flower bed that I have taken some wild strawberries from her yard, which they love, and placed them in there (the clovers grew to close and the aren’t putting many berries or these days). However, I also wanted to add a couple of other things in the garden with the strawberries. I had read on here that cilantro would be a good snack for them but I’m not sure what else I can/should add.
Welcome to BYC!!! So happy you joined the flock(its a big one, but you will fit in great!)...anyway yes....cilantro is a good snack. Anything from fruits and veggies to flowers and herbs are great snacks for your ducks. Are you wanting to plant veggies, fruits, or herbs...or flowers?
My ducks are all very fond of melons. They can decimate a watermelon in a matter of minuted on a hot day. Maybe look into some of those? Just split one open and theyll clean it out in no time lol

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