So excited to show off my coop!! UPDATED PICS - DONE!! P. 3

Did you build it or did you use a shed kit? It's great looking! I would suggest hardware cloth between the run and the coop though so that you don't have hens trying lay eggs under there, haha.

Great job!
Thanks All!! Yes the fencing will be moved - giving the run 1 door INside the fence (for free ranging) and 1 door of the run outside for cleaning it out into a compost pile. Same with the coop - there are 2 sets of doors - 1 will be in the yard for easy access to eggs and 1 outside for clean out.

I'm definitely putting hardware cloth around the whole run and coop, including b/t the coop and run.

We started with an OLD shed (see my BYC page for pics) and transformed it into a coop. Decided not to do an outside egg hatch because 1) temp where we live - would have to do quite a bit of insulation and 2) due to the existing structure we didn't want to change it too much. With the door inside the fence, we just have to open it and reach to the left to get to the 4 nesting boxes (don't have to set foot inside) so I compromised...we'll see if I wish I had a separate egg door later on!!

theoldchick - it's 2 ponds with a little "stream" connecting them! Was great ice skating this year. We have wild ducks who stay all summer, and we saw them for the first time this weekend when we were working on the coop! We might get ducks next year...we'll see!

sutillman - yes Annie will be very happy hahaha. Though, she did enjoy having us outside to play with her ball ALL day Saturday! Look at My BYC Page for pics of the chicken door - Annie thought we built it just so she could deliver us her ball...
very nice. I think your dog wants to move in
When you are done you can come help me finish my bantam coop
SWEET!. You oughta be proud of it. Its a great feeling to sit back, and look at what you have done isn't it? We sit and watch the girls enjoying theirs alot. All the best. R
close, 18x8! found 6' fencing so we put the supports at 6' intervals for the roof fence. The side fence is all one piece, which is nice for predators and such (to keep them out).

sheila - i need to start on a silkie coop hehehe...thanks! our dog wants to be wherever we'll be interesting to see how she does with chickens! we have introduced her to the baby chicks in the brooder, but not ready for them to formally meet until they get a bit larger.

Newbie - thank you!! it is nice. Chicks are only about 3-5 weeks old (different ages) so we still have a little while to introduce them to the coop. Hopefully we'll be finishing with the hardware cloth this week.
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