So I gave my chicks spaghetti for the first time today...

Mine LOVE speghetti! and just about everything else I let them have...

They exspecially love my strawberry patch..went in there and cleaned it out!
We have dandelions growing everywhere and they won't touch them. Gotta get some mint; that stuff spreads everywhere here.

I had the end of a bag of scratch get some mold in it, so I planted it -- just ran the tiller lightly over, broadcast it, raked it a little, and stuck some chicken wire around it. The millet came up in force. I let them into the patch when it was about 6" high. Took them maybe 3 days to wipe it out.

Note to self: let it go to seed next time.
Mine also go nuts for spaghetti... and reject tomatoes from the garden (we have been invaded by stink bugs.) Tomatoes are about as good as crickets....
my chickens LOVE: tomatoe worms, tomatoes, rice, spaghetti, mango, strawberries.

I think they like spaghetti so much because it looks like a really long worm!!!
I haven't tried spaghetti yet! I don't know why... They love worms so why not spaghetti and I always cook more than I need anyway. Maybe thats whats for dinner tomorrow.

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