So mad I could spit nails! (McMurray) title edited


10 Years
Jan 5, 2010
Medina, TN (near Jackson)
They have ruined my day! I ordered turkeys in November of last year so that I would not have any problems getting them this spring. they were set for delivery the week of March 28th. I received a call this morning from McMurray that they had cancelled my order due to problems at the hatchery..... seems the girls just aren't laying.

THAT part I understand and can deal with. I know we can't predict nature and we can't MAKE the birds lay fertile eggs....... BUT I asked the lady if they couldn't just delay the order until they were available instead of cancelling it altogether..... she said NO! All I could do was call every few days to check availability. You mean you can't substitute whatever you have extras of at some point during the next couple of months and just ship me those? I don't care about what breed at this point, I just want my turkeys! Ship me ANYTHING when you have it available..... can't you do that?? "NOPE!" she said I could submit a new order but that the earliest available ship date for ANYTHING (not what I originally ordered) was gonna be late July or August.


I'm sorry, But I KNOW they will have extras along the way once the girls start laying.......... I guess I just don't understand why you have to be stubborn and refuse to deal with the situation some other way. I had already paid, all they had to do was ship me a few of the extras once ANYTHING became available...... Now they have lost a once loyal customer forever.

Thank goodness for my local feedstore..... They have an order coming in April 6th...... so it's not a total loss, but I had to change my order quite a bit.

O well..... Life goes on.

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I notice that Meyer and I think a couple of other hatcheries will actually post here and respond if there are any critiques of them. Maybe McMurry does that too. I would like to see the explanation. They seem like nice people when I have talked to them anyway.
I will say that they were nice about it....... They were just unwilling to work with me at all. That was the frustrating part. But noone was rude at all. I know they must be in panic mode right now if they are unable to fill orders. I am sure they didn't want to make those phone calls and lose that much money. I feel bad for them because I know they are in a predicament. I was just frustrated because most places have sold out of turkeys for spring and I didn't think I was going to be able to get any after having already paid, built pens, brooder, etc......

I would simply say that in the future they should consider handling things a little differently. All I asked for was to be placed on a waiting list of some kind and let them ship me SOMETHING...... ANYTHING........ once it became available, no matter the breed. I was very flexible, I just wanted turkeys! But that wasn't something they were willing to do and THAT was what was so frustrating.

I have been a McMurray customer from when I first started raising birds, I have bought quite a bit from them over the last couple of years because I liked them and they seemed like a great company. I will keep my money local from now on and spend it at my hometown feed store.

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