So we think its a girl....


May 12, 2015
Suffolk VA
My Coop
My Coop
She darkest one in this pic.

Standing by Pekin here.

Back by crate wall...
So one of my almost 5 week old ducklings shown in all three pictures, who has adult feathers showing, we were told rouen when we got it, we are thinking it is a girl because we heard what we think is quacking from her and so far all her feathers are brown.....what do you think?
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So one of my almost 5 week old ducklings shown in all three pictures, who has adult feathers showing, we were told rouen when we got it, we are thinking it is a girl because we heard what we think is quacking from her and so far all her feathers are brown.....what do you think?
Quacking is an almost definite sign that it's a female.

Both male and female mallards (and rouens) will feather in the same initially, then the males molt at around 10-12 weeks into their traditional green head/gray body. A male's bill will also turn yellowish-green, and will stay that way even when the male is in eclipse plumage ("female" coloring), so you can always tell which is which after about 10 weeks of age because of bill color.

So I gather from your signature that the one on the right in all the pics is a golden hybrid? I had seen one that looked just like that at TSC a few weeks ago and posted a pic here and none of us could figure out what breed that cute little baby was, lol. So now I know!

Oh, and judging from the middle pic, if those two are the same age, that is likely a mallard and not a rouen. A rouen would be pretty much the size of the pekin.
Quote: Were you asking about the other smaller yellow with peppering coloring in top and bottom picture? I actually got that one at TSC and picked it because based on other peoples postings, they said it was most likely a Welsh Harlequin. As far as I know that is true. My hybrid in my signature referred to the brown with yellow stripes on head that is not as dark as my Rouen/mallard, but more the color of my Khaki campbell with stripes on face. Just because it appears to be mix breed and I am not sure what to call it. I am not sure that my Pekin and Rouen are same age, I got them at the same time and the other three week later, but when i got them initially, the Pekin was twice the size of the Rouen. Either way, Mallard or rouen, I just hope most of ours are female haha. Its hard to tell in pictures, but the Pekin is at least a third longer in body but they always stay close to one another.
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Omg the brown one with yellow stripes is so adorable! Do you know what breed she is?
I actually have no idea. I posted pics of all of mine early on and was told by people on the boards that its most likely a mixed breed. It is the exact color of my khaki campbell but with stripes in brown and yellow on face. I just picked mine for variety in looks as ducklings so I could tell them apart hopefully later and to experience different breeds haha. Wish I knew.
Were you asking about the other smaller yellow with peppering coloring in top and bottom picture? I actually got that one at TSC and picked it because based on other peoples postings, they said it was most likely a Welsh Harlequin. As far as I know that is true. My hybrid in my signature referred to the brown with yellow stripes on head that is not as dark as my Rouen/mallard, but more the color of my Khaki campbell with stripes on face. Just because it appears to be mix breed and I am not sure what to call it. I am not sure that my Pekin and Rouen are same age, I got them at the same time and the other three week later, but when i got them initially, the Pekin was twice the size of the Rouen. Either way, Mallard or rouen, I just hope most of ours are female haha. Its hard to tell in pictures, but the Pekin is at least a third longer in body but they always stay close to one another.
Yeah, I was talking about the one you referred to as a hybrid - I recognized all the others. I thought you meant it's a golden 300 hybrid, because it could pass for one of the ducklings on Metzer's page about golden hybrids. If it's not that, then I'm just stumped, because it really doesn't look like any kind of runner either. Please keep posting pics as they get older - I'm dying of curiousity! lol
And keep listening for quacks...any that are female should start quacking any day now.
Yeah, I was talking about the one you referred to as a hybrid - I recognized all the others. I thought you meant it's a golden 300 hybrid, because it could pass for one of the ducklings on Metzer's page about golden hybrids. If it's not that, then I'm just stumped, because it really doesn't look like any kind of runner either. Please keep posting pics as they get older - I'm dying of curiousity! lol

And keep listening for quacks...any that are female should start quacking any day now.
kind of ollks like a rouen/khaki cambell mix
Quote: Yeah I see what you mean. I can definitely keep posting pics, I try to take some every week, since they are growing so fast and I know in no time I will not remember what they looked like at this age anymore. I honestly have no idea either but I am curious to see what happens. We call that one Luke.
Quote: That was my best guess but not sure to be honest.

Current picture of the group. We think now that the mix Luke may be a she based on quacking....second from bottom. Based on how pronounced the quacking is, compared to what we thought Chewy was doing makes us requestion our thoughts on Chewy....the verdict is still out for now on most of them.
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Current picture of the group. We think now that the mix Luke may be a she based on quacking....second from bottom
My goodness they grow so fast! Such cuties!

From what I can see, it looks like she's feathering in like a mallard, right? But she's a lot bigger even though she's younger?

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