So what did you cook today?

we are cooking some fresh whole hog sasage we got from a farmer abuot 2 miles from bargains. he worked up 2 400 lb hogs and ground it all but 1 ham. 3 dollars a lb aint bad, no fillers i wish all could try some fresh not froze. i should have stopped in and seen bargain but the farm was needing my attention.
right now I have beef jerky going, and shuck beans getting ready to make blueberry cheesecake cherry cheesecake and a cheeseball then about 1 I will make lit'l smokies in bbq sauce and bologna salad sandwhiches
I have Katy's rolls rising and a Jello Ribbon salad in the process.

Other than that I am done with baking and cooking until I put the prime rib in the oven tomorrow morning.
Ham is waiting to go in the oven. It is studded with pineapple rings, cherries and cloves.

Mac and cheese, green bean casserole, candied yams are finished and nestled in the foot and a half of snow on my back porch.

Pink salad, green olives, black olives, pickled okra and baby dills are in their serving dishes and also sunk in the snow.

Everything for my dressing is mixed and waiting except for the broth. I will bake it tomorrow.

Turkey is coming out of the brine in the morning and into the oven by 7am.

I have red velvet cakes, pecan pies, sugar plums, gingerbread cookies, ginger snaps chocolate dipped cookies and other things waiting on the table.

I need to work on my deviled eggs.

Cranberry sauce will wait until tomorrow.
Horse Cookies! They are oatmeal cookie treats for the horses, lol

They are way more economical than buying treats and the girls just love them.

Cream cheese covered in brown sugar and wrapped w/croissant dough. also would be good w/preserves in it!!!
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Turkey stock for soup for dinner tonite and blueberry cake. I made the 10 egg chocolate pound cake Sunday. WoW! is all I can say about that
kdcrews, I want that recipe!!!!

Okay I made lasagne noodles out of goose eggs two days ago and they were so pretty and yellow and yummy!

Today the old 2 door wood stove is going full out....I have cornbread in the portable camp stove on top of it and am about to put some stew on as well.

I want to cook something totally out of the blue and unusual......

I might try an orange egg custard....

ALso, any great recipes for these goose eggs that are coming out of season will be appreciated! I don't know why they are laying sooo early......!!!!! They are tormenting me! HA.

Have a blessed day.....
First of all I hope you understand that your dessert looks wonderful!! I want that recipe too.

I also hope that you have a sense of humor because it reminds me of a post in the Rambling thread....

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