SoCAL RESIDENTS - Post Fire updates if you know what's up


The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
So far, I see that there is a huge fire in Anaheim Hills, close to CarriBrown. San Fernando valley - I don't know how many homes lost and I don't know the state of the Tea fire in Montecito either.
I saw that on yahoo. I almost made pudding watching the youtube vids. I did not get to drive today
. Tomorrow I am going and we have to push back the drving test. We have to get the car fixed
Really? Right next to the golf course I bet. Yep, the fire jumped the 91 and is headed toward Anaheim Hills. Multi-million dollar homes going up in smoke and the winds aren't stopping. Thankfully it's headed away from me but I just feel awful for all of those people losing their homes today.

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