SoCAL RESIDENTS - Post Fire updates if you know what's up

The fires of 2003 came darned close to taking over the high desert after it got done with 1600+ homes down there. We had to stay inside with all the windows shut and the a/c on. Fire trucks were parked on our street yelling through megaphones, friends of mine were packing and leaving, we had hoses on our roof etc. the embers were everywhere, but not one home in the high desert was destroyed.
Wow! Scary reports out of that area!

I just got back from church. Tustin is OK. The winds are blowing a bit west of where the church is, so we weren't affected at all. It looks to me that it's blowing over more toward Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, etc.

I just got word from a friend that her husband is fighting the Yorba Linda fire. She sent me a Blackberry photo of him in front of his fire truck. You can see some scorched land behind the truck but the rest of the photo is completely covered with smoke. I hope that these guys and gals fighting the fires stay safe out there!
It is BAD out there tonight. It looks like a repeat of 2003, where all those homes were lost. 1600+ back then. these fires are just out of control. It is scary for me to watch because I know so many people down there.
Hi guys, its gotten pretty bad.... I live in Pomona area and theres ashes all the way overhere!! It smells like smoke and my eyes are burning. The fire isnt close but I looked over my backyard and saw a huge cloud of black smoke and red glow. The strong wind is making the matter worst..
Stay inside, turn the a/c on and wait it out. This is as bad as 2003. I am shocked and saddened. I love this states wild areas, and someone set it on fire!!! That fire in Sylmar is considered a crime scene.
I'm pretty angry that someone may have set the fire.

Most of my friends had to be evacuated and I have alot of them staying over at my house right now. Some is even camped in my backyard, brought tents n everything. Everyone is taking this well though, they're treating it like a camping trip
I made lemonaid and and popcorn... put an outdoor movie on using a projector and a kingsize sheet....problem is I only have flowery sheets so they are watching movies with flowers!!
It's bad enough that these fires can start due to nature, but when it's started by someone intentionally, it's just plain awful. I do think that Santana is a far better name for these winds, since it really brings out the worst in some people. What a shame and a waste.

Glad you're safe right now Nyis. Like Debi said, keep inside as much as you can. How are your animals doing?
Good for you!!! People need people like you in these times. In 03, we had a houseful when the firefighters showed up on MY street yelling it was time to leave. That was not fun. We stayed because we knew the fire was about 10 miles away but still....

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