SoCAL RESIDENTS - Post Fire updates if you know what's up

No, but my allergies are going crazy. I've been inside all day except when I went to the grocery store earlier. The mountains at the 91/71/241 are charred but look like they've been put out.... or it's moved on someplace else.
Heres some update pics, If you guys see post #4 you can see the fire, and the you see NO HILLS!!!




Here are the pics taken same direction as hills




As you can see...the smoke is REALLY THICK!!
No, but my allergies are going crazy. I've been inside all day except when I went to the grocery store earlier. The mountains at the 91/71/241 are charred but look like they've been put out.... or it's moved on someplace else.

Ur smart to stay inside Carri especially being prego
No, but my allergies are going crazy. I've been inside all day except when I went to the grocery store earlier. The mountains at the 91/71/241 are charred but look like they've been put out.... or it's moved on someplace else.

Ur smart to stay inside Carri especially being prego

Yep! And I want pictures of my grandchickies!!!
I am such a bad Mom! I lost all my chickens a few months ago to a pack of coyotes and they killed my two baby goats too. I had to start all over. I was soooo sad. Im sorry. I did get a rottie and havent had anymore problems. I do expect baby pics though!
Thank you Nyis for all your updates. I'm stuck in riverside now, I cant even get back home. Reading something from a actual person is so much better than the news that likes to scare me half to death! Thanks again for all these updates!

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