At what age can you take them outside for a little romp on the grass? (thinking of fresh air)

I'd like to set up a pen situation that is outside for the chicks to feel the grass, hop about, peck a little, etc...for a minute (literally) or two...and then back into the brooder (is that what my heat lamp tub area is called?)

I'd like to start that as soon as possible, but don't want to risk any chicks getting cold or getting sick & dying!!!
I like to take my three day olds out for a little romp for maybe 5 minutes. They act like they have been out there for hours! They love it! I would just use a cardboard box on its side for shelter, and only take a few out at a time.
I am new to chickens and I recently bought 6 baby chicks at Tractor supply. They are all doing great! I am having such a great time with them! I need to get an extra feeder and waterer so I went to TS to get another set. While there I saw a little rooster chick that had a gash on its shoulder. I asked the lady if they knew that, and she went and got the manager. He said that I could have him or they would just "take him out back". Now I am not a farmer, I wasnt raised in the country so I couldnt bare to think about them killing him so I took him home. So far he is healing up great, he is eating, drinking, chirping, moving about, but he cannot walk well... he leans on the side of his container to walk some times and when I have him out of his container ( to try to get him to walk more) he leans against me and he likes to walk back to me and sit in my hand. Also it seems as though his "thyroid" (???) is swollen in front. I am not sure if I should be worried or not.

If anyone has any ideas I would be most grateful
it might be his crop...I just asked about it last week (and in the FAQ, you can read up on the crop thing more) give him a little grit and in a few days it should go down...just needs to digest his it on the right hand side? for my birds it was the impacted crop that looked like a tumor sticking out of their neck/chest area on the right hand side. Post some pics.
We recently acquired 4 goose eggs, which have since turned into 4 gooses. At the same time, we have a few broody hens who have turned out only 1 chick. Since they all hatched at the same time, we put geese and chicken together. I took the chicken out of their "nursery" today because she is not in good shape. It looks like the geese have been pecking at her. I've separated her and she has her own little house, but I'm worried about whether or not she will thrive all by herself??? I pick her up and hold her often, but am I doing more harm than good? Anybody raised ONE little chick before? HELP!!
I asked about this before and was told, put a stuffed animal in with the chick and hold it as often as possible, but better to go get another baby chick to be it's friend because they are flock animals...

...that's the answer I got from most everyone when I recently asked that...hope that helps
Yes, I saw your post. I posted my question first, and THEN decided to research. Typical. How did I ever get through grad school? Anyway, I did put a stuffed animal in with her, but this a.m. I was freaked out to see that the geese had literally been eating her feet. I didn't notice last night. She can barely stand because her feet are in such bad shape. I'm really upset because I have a hunch my husband will say she'll never make it and . . . well . . . you know. I wonder if they will heal?
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This happened to me, too. I had a 1 week old dewlap African gosling that was alone so put it in with some young chicks. It partially ate the toes off of one chick before I realized what was happening (this was a suggestion from someone else because the gosling wouldn't eat, ironically. I incubated and hatched it and it was the first experience I'd ever had with waterfowl - bad idea). Anyway, the feet healed, but of course the chicken has what I would term a "stub" on that one leg. She's adjusted as they always manage to do, but I never forget my mistake when I look at her. I felt awful & rightfully so, but I didn't realize that would happen. Sorry you experienced it, too.

PS - The putting the gosling in with the chicks was a bad idea-not hatvhing the gosling. I have so much enjoyed my Bosley and have hatched four others this year. Just wanted to clarify!
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Thank you so much for your response. I'm hopeful her little feeties will heal now and I'll tell my husband to BACK OFF!
Has anyone ever used the "Rooster Booster Vitamin and Electrolyte Powder" with Lactobacillus for sick chicks? It's all I have right now. I have one BCM 3 day old who is always at the bottom of the pile-up and sleeps all the time, doesn't seem to be eating. I thought I would mix some of the powder up and feed it to her. Of course it gives dosage for 16 gallons of water so I have some math ahead of me.

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