Get some Poly-Vi-Sol (liquid baby vitamins/supplement) and give them each a couple of drops in beak and add some to their water.

How old are they - are they eating and drinking?
You can do it - we'll all help. But it's like having your first child - you're better off not to read all the books on raising one. Just go with your instincts.
Good luck - and remember, it's supposed to be fun for both you and the chicks.

Sometimes the more you find out the more you over-think...

It really is not that'll be fine. Also remember a lot of these publications and info comes from large hatcheries!!!

Zillions of birds = increased potential/ actual complications.

thank you Ruth, I will try it and let you know the results. They are four days old and not hardly eating due to their deformities/problems I am hand feeding and watering them best I can
one day of "Ruths remedy" and the one chick looks and acts normal and there is marked improvement in the other one. . .he still has aways to go but he was worse off to begin with thank you so much . . . I obviously have sooo much to learn!
Glad to hear they are doing better. Sometimes they just need those vitamins.

In the future if you have an emergency start a thread in the emergency section where people will be quick to post responses and offer help. This thread is a "sticky" meant to be there just for information and such. I'm glad I saw your post asking for help.
do not cover the bedding with newspaper. they can not get traction which causes them to do the splits. their legs will get stuck like that and they will be sprawdle legged. its a biotch to fix
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
My husband will be happy to know that yes, I admit, I have been a tad bit overprotective. These little ones are going to be fine in spite of me.

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