Some one is stealing my eggs!!!!

Good One!!
wow...i had no idea that a crow could do he takes the whole egg? that seems like itd be hard not to drop it...or does he gulp it down right then and so glad.....ive been watching this thread with chills down my happy for you, as wierd as that may sound haha
Yep DH watched that darn crow hop along the fence with an egg in it's mouth. I wish he would have gotten a picture. At least I can sleep tonight, and figure out how to cover the run tomorrow!

The crows here are GIANT! larger than my biggest chickens! DH bought a pellet gun tonight.
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Could they be ravens instead? A raven is larger than a crow and has a shaggy throat. Here is a comparison:

You would have ravens out there in California, whereas we don't here in GA that I'm aware of. From that site I gave you:

First, and most noticeably, ravens are larger than crows. They are (on average) about the size of a hawk, where crows are approximately the size of a pigeon.​
Bingo! I think speckled hen nailed it. They sound like ravens to me. They do have a ruffled look to their neck feathers, and also can be seen out flying in gale force winds, much like a swift will do.
Sounds like an antifreeze-filled egg would be called for here. They will soon learn not to eat them if they survive. Liquid soap filled to break egg-eating chooks, antifreeze for pests like crows, etc. But likely not legal if it is a Raven. Best use liquid soap to be safe. I have crows here in goodly numbers and they keep the hawks and owls away for sure. Since I do not grow corn, I do not care at all and am really lucky to have them around.
NoseyChickens, I don't know how your coop is designed as for it's ability to be closed up at night, but if there is a way that you could close the coop up while the crow/raven was inside (trip cord on the pop door or whatever) and trap the crow/raven inside for a while that might do the trick. Then bang on the side of the coop a little and talk loudly and finally open the door waving a large towel around till he skeedaddles out of there. Basically you'd be instilling in him a great fear of the place. We accidently did more or less the same thing when we had a rather severe owl roosting problem in a worked, the owl never returned.

Of course crows and ravens are pretty smart critters and even after the scare I'm not sure it would say....... "Nevermore."


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