SOOOOOO stinkin mad at my daughter I could spit nails!

I agree with you 100%. To do something as pointless as smoking pot when it can have your kids taken away from you is insane. Talk about having messed up priorities. Some things just aren't worth the risk.

Plus, it impairs judgement and we all know that you have to be on your toes when you have little kids at home. This is true of alcohol too, IMO.
Well I got to this thread late. Here's what I was going to suggest. Yes pot is bad but if she's an occasional user she can get that out of her system pretty quickly. So what I would have said is this...

I would have given her 30 days to either get a job, get back in school, or a combination of the two. Then I would tell her that I know getting a job isn't always easy and there is another option hence the 30 days. If she took those 30 days and flushed her system out really good she could enlist at the end of the 30 days. Everyone I know that enlisted grew up and made something of themselves. In fact my nephew went in at 18 (he was a good clean kid with a goal of air traffic control) got his education and served his enlistment. He came out with an education that landed him an excellent job making a lot of money and after visiting his friends he could not believe how immature they all still were and that many of them were at the same place in life that they were when they graduated.

At her age if she were to clean up she could enlist and get herself back on track when it comes to an education and career (not just a job). In fact she may come to a point where she wants more than what Walmart is offering and enlisting would still be an option.

At least the above conversation would give her something to look forward to and if she was using more heavily she might just tell you that she needs more time or a better regimen to clean up.
She has stopped. I know because I eavesdropped on her when she was on the phone.
We did give her til the end of October, and then Robert came back to us, and she is his main caregiver, so we can't very well throw her and a 3 year old out into the street.
Ah somehow I missed that she was the parent of the little one. Wow it is a tight spot when there's a child involved. In that case her being the caregiver I couldn't really suggest the military. I hope everything works out with her.

I get you on the eavesdropping. I did it once when my daughter was 14. She had spent the night with a friend that I was a little leary of but went ahead and allowed it. I overheard at her door "guess what I did last night" so I paused before opening the door. Turns out the friends fathers girl friend gave her a shot of booze. Guess where she never went again.
It's amazing isn't it.

Hey I went by your town in August. There was an accident on the freeway that had it closed down. We were on our way to Vegas from my inlaws, had to double back, added almost 2 hours to the drive from Victorville to Vegas.

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