SOS need some tips on silkie coop


In the Brooder
Aug 21, 2020
I’m building a new chicken coop when I move in a few weeks (or whenever the house closes) and I want it to be bigger than my current coop/run which is 3 1/3 feet wide and a total of six feet long. The coop part is 3x3 and elevated 1 1/2 feet off the ground.
I have one rooster silkie (named Clark) and one hen silkie (named vevihen)
I had a third chicken who recently died.
I need any tips y’all have pls. I really want to make this coop a little nicer and more mobile for moving it around the yard.
North Alabama, and yes. Possibly two more hens.

So you need space for 4 -- a minimum of 16 square feet in the coop and 40 square feet in the run -- and very generous ventilation, probably well over the 1 square foot per bird minimum recommendation.

You might consider an Open Air design, which is a roofed run with a three-sided shelter at the windward end. Open Air coops are especially well-suited to hot, humid climates.

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