Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

Could the only symptom of sour crop be the yeasty/sour smell coming from the beak? I have a 4 week old chick who has smelled awful for about 3 weeks. Otherwise she seems to act, eat, poop and drink like the others. I am no expert, but her crop seems to fill and empty normally, and feels like the other chicks' crops. I started raw ACV 6 days ago and it seemed like the smell got better, but is still there. Please help, I don't want her to have long term issues.

Also, on another note, I see a post on here around page 29 that a vet says not to use ACV because it is acidic. But RAW ACV is supposed to be alkaline, according to all I've read. There seems to be a lot of conflicting information about this.

I am willing to try the mono stat, but have no idea how much to gave a 4 week old. And if that is not the issue, couldn't it cause other issues?
Could the only symptom of sour crop be the yeasty/sour smell coming from the beak? I have a 4 week old chick who has smelled awful for about 3 weeks. Otherwise she seems to act, eat, poop and drink like the others. I am no expert, but her crop seems to fill and empty normally, and feels like the other chicks' crops. I started raw ACV 6 days ago and it seemed like the smell got better, but is still there. Please help, I don't want her to have long term issues.

Also, on another note, I see a post on here around page 29 that a vet says not to use ACV because it is acidic. But RAW ACV is supposed to be alkaline, according to all I've read. There seems to be a lot of conflicting information about this.

I am willing to try the mono stat, but have no idea how much to gave a 4 week old. And if that is not the issue, couldn't it cause other issues?
I see you've already started thread in the disease forum, which is what I was going to suggest...
.......too bad no one has responded.
Not sure what to tell you, but I wouldn't use anything unless you know what the problem is definitively.
If the chick is eating, drinking, pooping, and active..... the smell could just be an anomaly.
Just want to add that I had tried everything on the internet to no avail, ie yogart, AVC, vomiting the chicken etc. After a week with no luck, I tried as a last resort Monistat 3. FYI, go to Walmart and get the generic version - it will save you about 14 dollars. Anyway,, I started Blondie on Monistat (1/3 of the wax suppositories - 1/3 in the morning and 1/3 at night). Blondie was still eating so I crushed the 1/3 piece into 'Old Fashion' oat meal flakes (coated the fllakes with the Monistat 3 and added a little water to make it moist) and she gobbled it up. After a day and a half, ie the 3rd feeding of Monistat 3 - I was massaging her crop (every hour and felt a marble sized ball in the bottom of her crop and it moved when I pushed it. I think the Monistat 3 reduced the yeast in her crop so it was possible to feel the large marble like ball and that is why I was able to feel it and dislodge it. That was in the morning and by the afternoon she was eating and acting much move alive, so to speak. I put her back into the pen with the other chickens and she took a dirt bath for 45 minutes - I knew then that she was back to herself. She has fully recovered and after 4 days she is now laying eggs. During her crop issue, she stopped laying for over a week. I think I caught it early and she is now her old self. Thanks for the thread on Monistat 3 - I think truly that saved Blondies life.
She is 24 hours odor-free! Not sure if it was 11 days of raw ACV or being outside the last few days, or none of the above. But I'm so glad she seems fine now, especially when we just found out one of the others is a cockerel and we can't have another rooster. Thank you for your advice.
So we were in Tractor Supply Company and some jerk dropped off 2 red sex linked hens... in the heat, in a tiny box :( We, of course, took them in and upon arriving home and getting them out of the box, one was unable to stand, totally miserable and clearly needed to be euthanized, so we did. The remaining hen had symptoms of Gapeworms... I treated her with both Wazine 17% and Safeguard for Goat (1.5mL). The following morning after giving her the Safeguard she was breathing easier and was not stretching her neck and gasping for air. However, after examing her crop, it was MOLDABLE not hard but you could literally press on it gently and it would make your fingerprint. After being on this website all day and educating myself, I came home from work and tube fed her TIOCONAZOLE (it's more broad spectrum than Miconazole) and MICONAZOLE along with Pedialyte with Probiotics, my own personal probiotic (85 Billion count). I also gave her subcutaneous Lactated Ringers because she had not ate or drank in 2 days now. I'm desperately trying to save her right now :( I gave her approximately 60mL of the Pedialyte and Monostat mixture and 60mL SubCu Lactated Ringers. She is so lethargic and is keeping her eyes closed right now. I'm gonna go out and check her crop again soon as it's almost been an hour and a half... We'll see if this works
So we were in Tractor Supply Company and some jerk dropped off 2 red sex linked hens... in the heat, in a tiny box :( We, of course, took them in and upon arriving home and getting them out of the box, one was unable to stand, totally miserable and clearly needed to be euthanized, so we did. The remaining hen had symptoms of Gapeworms... I treated her with both Wazine 17% and Safeguard for Goat (1.5mL). The following morning after giving her the Safeguard she was breathing easier and was not stretching her neck and gasping for air. However, after examing her crop, it was MOLDABLE not hard but you could literally press on it gently and it would make your fingerprint. After being on this website all day and educating myself, I came home from work and tube fed her TIOCONAZOLE (it's more broad spectrum than Miconazole) and MICONAZOLE along with Pedialyte with Probiotics, my own personal probiotic (85 Billion count). I also gave her subcutaneous Lactated Ringers because she had not ate or drank in 2 days now. I'm desperately trying to save her right now :( I gave her approximately 60mL of the Pedialyte and Monostat mixture and 60mL SubCu Lactated Ringers. She is so lethargic and is keeping her eyes closed right now. I'm gonna go out and check her crop again soon as it's almost been an hour and a half... We'll see if this works
Has she started pooping yet?

Has she started pooping yet?

She pooped approximately 30 minutes after TF'ing my little cocktail! YAY! I tried to get a picture of it but I couldn't. It smelled awful and was a light green in color and with some small chunks of formed chicken poop... I'm assuming the green is bile. Approximately an hour and a half after her first tubing last night, I gave another 30mL water and 30mL Pedialyte mixture again. This morning she is actually getting up and repositioning herself and keeping her eyes open... which is the most I've ever seen her do!! YAY! I'm warming up my SubCu LR and my TF mixture right now so I can do it again this morning!! I was so happy to see her even alive this morning because last night she was not doing so well
I put her infrared heat lamp on her and covered her dog crate up to make sure she's nice and warm because it's getting down in the 60's here right now. She is laying under it right now so it must feel good to her LOL! I am soo THANKFUL for this thread!!!
My chicken, Perimeter Patrol, is about six months old and for the past month has had a bulging crop. I tried massaging it, making her vomit, and even yogurt.
I started by making her vomit, separating her from the others, giving water for the first 24 hours, then introducing plain Greek yogurt with active live cultures.
Then this past weekend, I noticed she was lethargic and just plain skinny. She's been eating and pooping, but something was definitely wrong and I suspected sour crop had taken a toll on her.
I started giving her 1/3 of a tube of Monistat (the generic stuff) twice daily starting two days ago. Her crop is already feeling more normal. It's still a bit enlarged, but nothing like it was and certainly not as squishy.
Perimeter Patrol has even started eating flies and gnats like normal. I truly think this will cure her!
I just gave our hen her first dose & was surprised at how easily it went down! Nothing like pilling a cat

Thanks for the advice - hope she responds as well as yours did. Thanks for the help!

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