South Carolina

Heidi, my guess on the wyandotte is a hen. By that size, the roos are already showing a lot more white on them. She sure is cute! Now if only you were close enough that I could give you a sweet little roo to pair with her.
Question: When do guineas start laying? Also, mine are now separated from the layers and are free ranging. I have 21 guineas. How much feed should they get and when? Those little piggies are used to free choice. I don't want to overfeed them but I know them need some! Thanks!

Half day of school tomorrow and then the kids are off until January 3rd! I'm so excited!!!
Guineas lay spring through fall from what I have read and heard. Yours should start in the spring like mine will.

Guineas need a lot of protein but if they are free ranging I would only feed them in the evening when they come in to roost. Mine follow me around demanding I hurry up and feed them in the afternoon as I gather eggs. I offer mine starter and layer mixed since they like a higher amount of protein. If you offer feed to them when they need to be free ranging then they are less likely to wander out and find bugs and seeds. This is is harder time of year for them but they can find plenty to eat when they look but I don;t let mine go to bed hungry and they eat quite a bit before bed.

The 14 I have in the breeding pen are eating about 1/2 gallon of starter in the morning and I top it off with a qt of whole grains in the afternoon. They always have a bit left over of the starter but the wild birds try to steal as much as possible, too.
Work day chicken photo was mine again today. Not one of the better ones but cute. Those photos and captions always make me smile and sometimes laugh out loud.
Heidi, my guess on the wyandotte is a hen. By that size, the roos are already showing a lot more white on them. She sure is cute! Now if only you were close enough that I could give you a sweet little roo to pair with her.

Yes, I wish I were too!
Sure, Yancy. I have no problem with that. Just let me know when. The fellas have had a good life so far. they won't care if they live another 10 days or 10 years. I feel God put them here for a reason.

u da best!!!!!!
My d'Uccles .... Cuties!!!!!
Here's three of them and if you look close the pullet is getting her white in!

Crazy little Chicks!

I like the form of the one on the left..hope his coloring is good and also he's the one that trys to crow(LOUDLY)...
My first season birds started laying this year around the first few weeks of March but didn't really get going good until the end and first of April. My older birds always start sometime around the middle to end of February.

As far as food goes, I feed a mix of lay pellets and scratch to the guineas in the evening. My rule of thumb is to feed what they will eat in about 15 minutes so none gets left over night. It will take you a few nights to figure out how much that is but while doing other chores throw some out to them and then if they eat all of that in less than 15 minutes give them a little more. If you feed them in the morning they will not go looking for food on their own--though on really cold morning I do give them a few handfuls of lay pellets and maybe a little scratch. They love BOSS.

Does this help?

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