South Carolina

I used to think so to....gotta love the uniqueness of them
Jackie B. :

Merry Christmas everyone! We made it to the farm out it Iowa and are enjoying family time. Brrrrrr it's cold!

It is about 60 degrees here! I hope you all have a great Christmas!
Glad you arrived safe & hope you have a safe trip home!

PS - No matter what Amy says...DO NOT BRING SNOW BACK!
Hope everyone has fun plans (or quiet plans!) for Christmas. We have church this evening and then will stay home tomorrow. My kids are with my mother-in-law this afternoon so my husband can set up a new trampoline for them. He *thinks* it's hidden over by the orchard but if the kids go outside at all, they'll see it. He's going to put something on the tree from Santa saying "Look outside". He's so excited! I hope those kids don't ruin it! He just went to go pick them up and then he said he's going to encourage inside activities until we go to church. They will for sure know something's up then!

I'm making dinner tomorrow for us and my mother-in-law. Hoping for a quiet day. My goats are stubbornly hanging onto their kids inside their bellies. I thought for sure we'd have a few this week! The milk has come in. Don't know what the hold up is!

Now that we've had such a mild December, are we in for it in January? I did see the forcasted high on Jan 1st is 67 degrees! That's just weird.

Be safe, everyone!
It is about 60 degrees here! I hope you all have a great Christmas!
Glad you arrived safe & hope you have a safe trip home!

PS - No matter what Amy says...DO NOT BRING SNOW BACK!

I disgree! A little snow would be fun! Bring it on, Jackie!
It is about 60 degrees here! I hope you all have a great Christmas!
Glad you arrived safe & hope you have a safe trip home!

PS - No matter what Amy says...DO NOT BRING SNOW BACK!

I disgree! A little snow would be fun! Bring it on, Jackie!

There's no snow to bring! So weird being here without 12 foot snow drifts on the side of the barn to sled down heehee
I am going to be moving to denmark s.c. around the end of march or frist of april going to try my hand at raising a flock of my own. could use all the info. anyone can give me on raising chickens in s.c.
Hello and Welcome to the SC forum! All of us started out just like you at one time or another. This is the best place I have found to ask questions, learn new things, make new friends and generally hang out. I think you will find that chicken people are the nicest, and those in SC are the nicest ones around

Have you decided on any particular breed or do you have a few you are looking at?
I would leave the cracked egg and just be really careful with it. I always hold out hope, you never know. If the membrane is in tact it could hatch.

Not sure if you have any Cling Wrap Dixie but I have heard interesting results with a thin strip across the crack. I have tried it and did have one develop for a while but not hatch.

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