South Carolina

I took this photo the Christmas before Terry and I got married. This is the horse that brought us together.
I wrapped his presents and along with a couple of friends that also had horses at the same rental barn where we kept him we gave them horses a fun Christmas.
Notice the big red stocking. Back in the 70's animal stockings were unheard of but we were not to be stopped! Ah! The good old days. Us girls cut them out and glued glitter names on them for the horses and hung them on their stall doors. Barney unwrapped a box of sugar cubes and other goodies plus apples and carrots that were in his big stocking.
I thought this made a cute Christmas card! I used it the first 2 years we were married until I made another.


I wanted to share this Christmas treat with you all. I also put a different one on my FB page and my farm FB page.

May you all have a pleasant evening and a glorious Christmas morning.

You will enjoy raising chickens and getting fresh eggs and them thinking they are your pets and .....and all kinds of fun stuff! Just keep reading around on BYC and you will learn a lot in a very short time. Everyone does things differently and different things will work for you, too.
Where is Denmark, SC? No clue!

We had my mother-in-law for Christmas dinner. One of my hatchers is next to the table. She actually asked me if I could make the chicks be quiet during dinner. Let's see.... no, I can't do that. We have a farm. I raise chickens. They sometimes chirp. I think it's lovely. End of story.
Too newest hatch is in my kitchen also so I can keep a close eye!!

My in laws wont even visit because I am so much a hick in this way!!!
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