South Carolina

Now you've got me curious about this project! Whatever it is I'm sure it'll end up being super cute if d'anvers have anything to do with it!
Yeah, I didn't get anything at the show mostly because DH would have killed me at the time. He said NO more. lol I think he has begun to warm up to the chickens though and hasn't batted an eye at the mention of new additions, hatching eggs, new's really weird actually! It's like he's seen the light lol. Luckily it looks like there won't be any classes for me to take this summer so I'll have a few months of freedom! Well I'll still have to work but I'll have a lot more free time. Speaking of I need to get back to this stinkin research paper I'm supposed to be writing..

Yeah, sorry about that. I guess it wasn't too clear on what happened. Lauren was at the show where Jackie bought these and Lauren wasn't going to take any home as her schedule for school and work was hard enough. But we see that she could not hold out and jumped at the offer from Jackie. They are cutie patooties!!!
d'Anvers are just like the d'Uccles except no feather legs and meets Kris's idea of a nifty little bird. Lauren absolutely loves them, too.
Wait til she sees what Kris will be working on. Holy moly!
Kris really needs to take this Booted Bantam of mine for her project!
I finally took pics ofmy newest first Self blue OEGB and a Bantam Lav Ameraucana...they look sooo much alike except the Amer has a litle muff and I wanted to share! At this size you really have to look close to tell the comb differences!! No goat babies yet but she is "dropped"looking and her milk sack is even fuller thatn yesterday! So maybe soon!!

They look purple on my screen! I thought you had dyed them! Soooo cute!

I finally took pics ofmy newest first Self blue OEGB and a Bantam Lav Ameraucana...they look sooo much alike except the Amer has a litle muff and I wanted to share! At this size you really have to look close to tell the comb differences!! No goat babies yet but she is "dropped"looking and her milk sack is even fuller thatn yesterday! So maybe soon!!

So far I get all my updates. But I log on here first thing in the morning and stay on all day and check in when I stop for a water break or snack. FB has been kinda slow to notify me but I am on there almost all day, too. We only cut the computer off at night.
Yeah Amy don't get your hopes up!!! Cause you know I just had one roo forever then...BAM two roos! But Yeah if you have an extra let me know! My d'Uccles are starting to get their personailty, and since they are out in their coop they have started reacting to me in a positive way. Like OH Look it's the man with snacks and the one that scratches our beards. I truly just love them to death.!!!

Hey Yancy, so far only one roo is showing up in this last hatch of MF d'Uccles. The other 4 are looking like girls but I plan not to get my hopes up yet! If I have an extra girl then I figure you may could use her since you have 2 boys and this is a different bloodline.

CUTE they are so petty!!! Please keep posting pics of them as they grow!!!

I finally took pics ofmy newest first Self blue OEGB and a Bantam Lav Ameraucana...they look sooo much alike except the Amer has a litle muff and I wanted to share! At this size you really have to look close to tell the comb differences!! No goat babies yet but she is "dropped"looking and her milk sack is even fuller thatn yesterday! So maybe soon!!


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