South Carolina

Yeah Amy don't get your hopes up!!! Cause you know I just had one roo forever then...BAM two roos! But Yeah if you have an extra let me know! My d'Uccles are starting to get their personailty, and since they are out in their coop they have started reacting to me in a positive way. Like OH Look it's the man with snacks and the one that scratches our beards. I truly just love them to death.!!!

I know! I just think I will have 2 more pop up because I always have more roos than pullets.
Hey Amy, I finally got pix of one of the girls you are getting from me in Newnan.

Great short back. Overmarked. Beautiful head. Nice width across back and chest. You will like her....she is from you originally! LOL

I finally took pics ofmy newest first Self blue OEGB and a Bantam Lav Ameraucana...they look sooo much alike except the Amer has a litle muff and I wanted to share! At this size you really have to look close to tell the comb differences!! No goat babies yet but she is "dropped"looking and her milk sack is even fuller thatn yesterday! So maybe soon!!

Awwww......they really are purple! Beautiful babies.
Thanks everyone for all the nice comments on my babies!! They are actually really kinda silver but every pic I take looks like this!!Still no goat babies..
The wait is already too much! She is way dropped! Her hips are really diped out and makes her look almost malnourished. She has ate little today and has spent alot of time "resting" in her little barn...her milk sack is huge and sticks out between her back legs so I think it will be soon!! Maybe even sometime tonight,I plan to let nature do its thing since she has had a baby last year!
I miss having baby goats! Raised more than one in diapers in the house -- I'll have to post pictures. The last time we had a pregnant nanny, shortly before she gave birth she lay down, somehow rolled onto her back, got her horns stuck in the ground, and was too fat to wiggle loose and get back up! I heard her bellowing and thought she was in labor, so I ran out with my camera. And yes, I took a couple of pictures before rescuing her -- who would have believed me otherwise? :) She had a cute little billy a few days later.

My chickens took a little laying sabbatical over the past couple of weeks -- we went from an average of a dozen a day (from 15 hens) to an average of one! I blame the rain, but we seem to be back on track now. Got 14 beautiful eggs yesterday, including one from each of my sweet little bantams. :)

Haven't spent much time online lately, so I've been reading a lot to catch up on the thread (or at least the last couple of weeks!). Hope everyone's doing well.
I believe...if at all possible...we must see the pic!!! I am a nervous goat momma right now.I have experience withhelping with cow birth so I do feel if there is a problem I will know what to do but I hope to just peek from a distance and let her be.She has not been highly handled and I BARELY have her eating from my hand..she will not let me touch/pet her.I picked her up Saturday and when I agreed to buy her the gal said she would be due end of Feb at the earliest.Her husband told me when I picked her up that she should kid by MONDAY!! That he would be surprised if she went longer than that?? She is definatly close! I am just worried because I thought I would have a little time to spoil her and get her tamed before labor! These are who were fostering my rescue horse.They said Koda was hard to catch...always had her in halter by time I got there(I went to spend time with her several times prior to adoption) and once I paid for her(had to finish fencing) her eye infection stopped being treated and she lost weight?? I fixed all that fast and it took less than a day and she follows me like a dog.She does get ornary easy though...went through a whole week of her wanting to kick me after the Vet came out for vaccines and put the tube up her nose without her permission!! She is smart and will hold a grudge! I almost didnt get the goat but he husband is the goat keeper and they are all nice shiny healthy stock and a pregger with possible twins for $50 is not a bad deal!! She is a Nubie/Pygmy cross and is bred to a pygmy! I like small goats!
I miss having baby goats! Raised more than one in diapers in the house -- I'll have to post pictures. The last time we had a pregnant nanny, shortly before she gave birth she lay down, somehow rolled onto her back, got her horns stuck in the ground, and was too fat to wiggle loose and get back up! I heard her bellowing and thought she was in labor, so I ran out with my camera. And yes, I took a couple of pictures before rescuing her -- who would have believed me otherwise?
She had a cute little billy a few days later.
My chickens took a little laying sabbatical over the past couple of weeks -- we went from an average of a dozen a day (from 15 hens) to an average of one! I blame the rain, but we seem to be back on track now. Got 14 beautiful eggs yesterday, including one from each of my sweet little bantams.

Haven't spent much time online lately, so I've been reading a lot to catch up on the thread (or at least the last couple of weeks!). Hope everyone's doing well.
I miss having baby goats! Raised more than one in diapers in the house -- I'll have to post pictures. The last time we had a pregnant nanny, shortly before she gave birth she lay down, somehow rolled onto her back, got her horns stuck in the ground, and was too fat to wiggle loose and get back up! I heard her bellowing and thought she was in labor, so I ran out with my camera. And yes, I took a couple of pictures before rescuing her -- who would have believed me otherwise?
She had a cute little billy a few days later.
My chickens took a little laying sabbatical over the past couple of weeks -- we went from an average of a dozen a day (from 15 hens) to an average of one! I blame the rain, but we seem to be back on track now. Got 14 beautiful eggs yesterday, including one from each of my sweet little bantams.

Haven't spent much time online lately, so I've been reading a lot to catch up on the thread (or at least the last couple of weeks!). Hope everyone's doing well.

Poor nanny!

We have had 8 goats born the past 4-5 days, and only 4 survivors I think. DH will not let us bottle feed any this year. He wants to let the strongest survive. Of course I miss my bottle fed girl...She just disappeared over night over the summer......I had left her out and not put her up... she would not leave our yard...she was scared of other goats....when scared she would hide behind people if they were around! ... we did find her collar but never her. I even walked over 8 acres of land and over a mile up and down our road calling her. She always answered me when I called! NOTHING. Since she was a bottle baby, she loved people. I am hoping the man a couple of miles from us with goats got her ....maybe someone found her and took her to him. I have not seen her there though. No one answered my lost goat ad either.
Hey Amy, I finally got pix of one of the girls you are getting from me in Newnan.

Great short back. Overmarked. Beautiful head. Nice width across back and chest. You will like her....she is from you originally! LOL

You always got some of my nicest girls that I hatched out from my breeding pen! Hubba hubba!
I am thrilled to get her back. Thank you!
I am sure I will love the others as well!
Kimberly...sad on your babies...the pics on FB are adorable!!! I will bottle feed if I need to on these! They are my first but I do understand the survival idea!

Amy...I am drooling!!

Nella...Cant wait to get my babies now!! Gee Thanks for adding to the suspense!
Kimberly...sad on your babies...the pics on FB are adorable!!! I will bottle feed if I need to on these! They are my first but I do understand the survival idea!

Amy...I am drooling!!

Nella...Cant wait to get my babies now!! Gee Thanks for adding to the suspense!

This is the first year I will not have at least one bottle fed baby. And we have had goats for about 10 years or longer I guess. I hate it...but DH says I do not have time to bottle feed.
Which I really don't. I didn't last year - but I made time - he does not want me to give up shows for goats again this year.

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