South Carolina

EEK! Check out the homepage for BYC! I created a "My Chickens Page" a while back and mine made POW! The pic on the main paige is of my first chick I ever hatched who is no longer with me (coccidia :( ) But I was super excited to see that my page got picked!

Congratulations! I would be excited too!
Amy, you are right.....she is indeed nice and wide across the back. Just not photogenic. Every time I open that brooder shed, she comes running over to seee what's going on. Crazy thing.

You are also getting 2 out of the bottom brooder. Didn't get good pix of them. 4 girls in that brooder. Whichever 2 don't go to you will be sold with my mr mottled son (brother to overmottled boy you got from me) as a nice trio.

Also....cowboy kids. Dixie wants a blue mottled and black mottled girl I think. I think that leaves a blue mottled girls and 2 small girls...can't remember the colors. Also, 5 boys. If you don't tell me no, I may send you the cowboy sons that don't sell at the show. They are all VERY heavily mottled and I think you should grow them out and pick out a cowboy replacement.

I had one last Cowboy egg hatch the other day (that I know of, still have eggs in the bator but not sure if any are his) but if you want to send them you can. They go well with my dark Frizzle girls and add some pizazz!

Are you showing anything at Newnan or just delivering birds?
EEK! Check out the homepage for BYC! I created a "My Chickens Page" a while back and mine made POW! The pic on the main paige is of my first chick I ever hatched who is no longer with me (coccidia :( ) But I was super excited to see that my page got picked!

I saw this and thought HOW AWESOME!!!!!!!! Congrats!!
EEK! Check out the homepage for BYC! I created a "My Chickens Page" a while back and mine made POW! The pic on the main paige is of my first chick I ever hatched who is no longer with me (coccidia :( ) But I was super excited to see that my page got picked!
That is so cool! Congratulations! And I love your gorgeous critter photos and page layout. I'm with you on the wish for more land -- grew up on ten acres at the base of Paris Mountain, and it's really hard to get used to living on an acre and a half! Never had neighbors so close before. Hope both of our dreams come true! Oh, and by the way, not ALL of the critters in my signature live on the acre and a half! Some of them are still at my parents' place. :) Otherwise we'd be VERY crowded!
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Thanks everyone! I added a few more photos after I got the notification that I got POW..figured I'd freshen up my little page. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to get my d'Anvers from Jackie tomorrow!! I was sitting in class tonight just itching for tomorrow to get here! I'm like a kid on Christmas Eve lol

Dixiebeast: I hope you have a baby goat SOON! I know I'd be stressed out too!
We have 2 baby goats!!! One white with brown or black ears and one black that I see a white spot on its tiny head!! To dark for pics and I have not entered fence! She does not have them in her little barn but they are up standing! Hope they won't get too cold! I will be checking on them all night! I am even more worried now!! LOL
YAY!! congrats on the babies!!

We have 2 baby goats!!! One white with brown or black ears and one black that I see a white spot on its tiny head!! To dark for pics and I have not entered fence! She does not have them in her little barn but they are up standing! Hope they won't get too cold! I will be checking on them all night! I am even more worried now!! LOL
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