South Carolina

Ok...I am going to sell a pair of White D'Uccles...I get so few eggs from my mature gal and my pullet is not laying yet that I have not offered these to anyone...only one person has gotten eggs from me and that was as a gift...I really would not but I have a cockerel so I will pair the closest in age pullet with him to sell. I figured I would offer on here before I take them saturday. My parent stock came from Lisa in Tenessee ( wegotchickens ). Cockerel hatched 3/4 and pullet 3/11. Pm me if interested...I do not usually try and sell in our thread but I really love these birds and want them to go somewhere I trust if possible but want to find them a home while young and I am not having to house another roo!!He is the first roo I have hatched...everything else is pullets!! WOOT!!

I can get a pic but want to not get them out in wet and cool this eve...they are in my outside brooder/grow out...have a heated enclosed room with a sand floor attached run area!!
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Instead of treating the symptoms try boosting the immune system. I got such a better response from my chicks and birds once I started adding better vitamins to the diet. I have probably wore everyone's ears off by preaching about adding stuff to the water but when ACV was only doing a little increase in health then I found other options. I now add Niacin and Vitamin E to their waters. I used to do the Dawe's A-D-E and occasinally do add it but I have been adding the Niacin and Vit E this spring to all my breeders and naturally to my chicks waters and good golly miss molly! The ducklings have to have Niacin anyway but most of the chicks are bouncing off the walls.

Amy: Do you just buy the Niacin and Vit E in tablet form and crush it then add it to the water? I'm going to definately try this for my next hatch. (Since obviously my first one this year was an epic failure!) Thanks so much for the info!
Got home to 3 chicks in a bator I thought was done and almost unplugged this morn...whew...and then found 3 very very shrink wrapped chicks half out in my other bator...2 were the mottled Duccle eggs that I had only 4 of and only 3 made lockdown....I helped the self blue...and what looks like a black mottled Duccle with little trouble...start on the blue mottled duccle and find unabsorbed yolk...AHHHH...I stopped and put it in the bator half hatched...praying for the best...these 3 chicks have been pipped and half unzipped since lunchtime yesterday...all the others I finally pulled out of the bator this morn and misted the pipped 3 and other couple eggs before I left at 6:45....I REALLY REALLY REALLY want these Duccles
I otherwise had a great hatch...about 85% hatched in 2 LG bators and one had been tampered with at easter by the visiting kids....

WOW! I hope they make it out! That sounds like the luck I have here...takes forever to get out of the egg! But I have it happen in larger numbers! LOL Good Luck!
very frustrated :( Hatched a few chicks from my own flock and have already lost one. Now I've noticed the little Blue Orp makes a clicking noise when breathing and feels funny on its chest area. Almost fluidy. And the other little bantam is acting weak too..

I'm so over all my bad chicken luck...

I hate you are having such a time there! Maybe it is due to this screwy weather! I hope you turn it around soon! Well wishes coming your way!!
Thanks! Seriously when it rains it pours..I haven't been able to update on here in a while..but I lost my d'Anver roo last weekend..and had to make the tough decision to put my last pullet down due to her coming down with whatever the others had. Obviously it was contagious. I tried treating it. Nothing helped..not even antibiotics. I loved them so much. Now I'm having problems with my chicks. Just makes me feel like giving up sometimes..

I have to believe it'll get better!!

Lauren, sorry to hear of your loses....I lost a d'Uccle hen Monday night and I am pretty bummed here. I think her issues were sour crop but not sure what she could have gotten to cause it as they will not eat much but their regular food. I know what you mean about giving up but think of how much enjoyment you got from them while they were alive--hang in there!
Good Morning everyone.
Hope today is a good day to get outside and do some work although I desperately
need to do some inside work.

I am getting tired of hatching
, so I will have B/B/S orpington hatching eggs for sale if anyone wants some. I have had great fertility in this pen. I have 3 blue and 3 splash hens with a blue roo.
I have been getting mostly blue and splash chicks with a few black chicks. I have hatched close to a hundred
and am sitting here listening to cheeping in the incubators now.

I also have a nice Splash orpington rooster that I am thinking about selling. I will put a blue hen or splash hen with him if anyone is interested. I have him with 3 of my senior black javas now. I am running out of space. Believe it or not!!!!!!!!
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