South Carolina

OK I NEED Help!!!! I picked the four chicks to keep. I need to make sure I have one Roo and 3 pullets. PLEASE help! They are 7weeks old
And they are Big(thanks to Daddy)BlueJG.
This is a my Blonde&Blue Roo(right?) Replacement

This is Lacey(aka runty) Pullet???

(No Name) This chick is half EE and has a really cool red spot on her chest. Pullet?

(No Name) this is the black chick that is half EE with slight partridge markings on it's chest. Pullet??

I have other girls(?) but these are all a little different. I'm pretty sure I have blueEEmix girl, a black jg pullet, BRmix pullet(I need no more BR's way bossy)lol.

Any Help I would Love!!

They look like you said, Yancy. I think you have a boy and 3 girls.

Geez, you really need to get that farm going. LOL And then you can hire some workers to help out because if you had the land, you would have the projects!
Thanks! Seriously when it rains it pours..I haven't been able to update on here in a while..but I lost my d'Anver roo last weekend..and had to make the tough decision to put my last pullet down due to her coming down with whatever the others had. Obviously it was contagious. I tried treating it. Nothing helped..not even antibiotics. I loved them so much. Now I'm having problems with my chicks. Just makes me feel like giving up sometimes..

I have to believe it'll get better!!
Instead of treating the symptoms try boosting the immune system. I got such a better response from my chicks and birds once I started adding better vitamins to the diet. I have probably wore everyone's ears off by preaching about adding stuff to the water but when ACV was only doing a little increase in health then I found other options. I now add Niacin and Vitamin E to their waters. I used to do the Dawe's A-D-E and occasinally do add it but I have been adding the Niacin and Vit E this spring to all my breeders and naturally to my chicks waters and good golly miss molly! The ducklings have to have Niacin anyway but most of the chicks are bouncing off the walls.
For those of you not on FB to see my black egg, here it is. I am just amazed at my splash Ameraucana laying this. She is a nice big girl so I hope the eggs will pick up in size. Cool color and just as dark as my Cayuga duck eggs at the first of the season.

Here is the pullet laying it.....

And her black egg beside other chicken eggs.

And beside a late season Cayuga duck egg......

And yes, I am going to breed her. I am going to try to get some daughters out of her by one of my Ameraucana roos, a Marans and an Olive Egger.
I had someone try to buy her from me yesterday. The price I put on her backed him off real quick. I am not fooling around with this girl. She is a nice large pullet and lays a really cool colored egg. I can't wait to see what it will pale to later in the summer but for now I know the potential is there for this neat color. Something to work with. Awesome!
I used Tylosin (same thing as Tylan). Since I work at a vets office I can get meds pretty easily. I had NO success...and couldn't risk her infecting my other birds

Just wondering what antibiotics you've tried? I have always had great success with Tylan. I have seen it save birds that I didn't think would survive the night. You can get the powder from Cutlers and just add it to the water. Just a thought.
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Lauren, So sorry!

How do you dilute the Oxine? What proportions? Do you use it in the poultry waterers? Trying to figure out how much to add for a one-gallon waterer, a 3-gallon and my automatic. The slime is getting bad already! I bought Oxine but haven't used it! For spraying, how much do you dilute?
Susanne, I use 1/8 teaspoon per gallon drinker. It goes a long way.

Thanks..I was really really hoping the Tylan would work...I just decided after her showing no improvement I couldn't risk any of my others getting sick. She was kept isolated from them..but I couldn't just watch her get worse and eventually wither away. I cried the whole night after making the's never easy!
Ok all you smart chicken folks...what in the world would cause edema in a baby chick? My lonesome blue orp chick hasn't been right since about the day after hatch. Made a clicking noise when breathing. Now slowly but surely its getting more and more fluid around it's neck/chest area. I have such AWESOME luck huh?? I know it probably will not make it. I tried to think of what would cause edema like that in dogs/cats and I could only think of heart failure? Or something with the lungs maybe? I'm assuming something was just plain wrong with the chick when it was hatched. I sure do hope my luck starts to change!

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