South Carolina

Ah-ha! See I knew Luann had them Legerns!

I should have emailed you Luann and let you know I passed your email on but I have been dashing about today. As usual.
anyone around here got any ducks???? i have 3 pekins so far, 8 in the bator as we speek!!! in the process of getting chickens for the first time. anybody got any advice for a newbie on chickens???? heard you have to worm them etc... stuff like that, is it that hard to keep chickens??? want just a few for laying eggs.. what the best to get?? please let me know..
Patrick in Gilbert, SC here, my last flock died of extreme old age a couple of years ago, but I have eight "Easter Eggers" shipping to me on the 30th! I'm totally excited! My small town has suffered an influx of urbanites and retired Yankees that don't want us to keep chickens in our yards, keep our junk cars in the yard (in case we get fired and need them later), or burn tires, or anything! (Just kidding about burning tires) But I have had minor issues about my chickens... we will have to see, I've been here since 1980 and don't plan to leave or change!!!
Greenville, SC...long time reader, first time poster... Good to see it looks like I've got a few neighbors on BYC. I'm just down the road from TR. Glad to be here.
Good to see some new, names on here.

Gilbertine, use the Grandfather clause if you can. I'm not sure if it can apply to you but that one gets thrown around here when "new" neighbors want to move out to the country where we and live and try and ban the farm animals. Some people are ding butts!
Thanks, Nadine!
I don't foresee any serious problems, but it pays to be ready. I do keep a horrible old 1960 Ford car that I haven’t driven in years licensed and insured just so I can have it sit in the yard and look derelict... kind rural activism and my own way to try to "take back" personal freedom on one's own property. A couple of years ago, someone put the county on me for having a junk automobile in the yard... showing the sheriff the registration for the car made it totally worth keeping it registered for all these years!
Anywhoo, whoever squealed me out over my charming old classic car would probably do the same over the chicks. I may opt to “push the envelope” by incorporating the car into the chicken coop!
I will keep everyone posted!
I finally have chicks again! Brought home 4 pullets today... Black Sex Link, Black Austrolorpe, Buff Orpington & Rhode Island Red. Got them at the 27 Feed Store in Ridgeville. Great store, great deal!

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