Southern California Chicken Swap Anyone????????

HI! Yes its a great idea. I was just throwing out ideas on a middle distance place so that Inland Empire and LA located people could get together. There are BYCers from LongBeach to Hollywood to Norco and WAAY beyond. I know this is gonna take some planning as far as logistics go. If enough IE people want to join in then it would be better to have it like Riverside, but if just LA area people want to have the get together then Griffith park would be a good place. I am compiling a list of BYC members when ever I run accross them on the forum so we can get the word out........
Here's a link to Riverside County Parks, might make it easier for people to find parks that will work for them and see relative distances. Norco may be more chicken friendly than a lot of other cities.

I looked at the locations, and it seems like they left off a LOT of parks that I know of. Oh well. If you know of a nice park near you, post it.
I can think of Featherly Park,
Fairmount Park, for starters.
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Well depending on when you all do it and where I may come from San Diego. I am 15 min east of the san dego wild animal park, I have some SDW seramas, some nice mottled serama chicks, Pumpkin hulsey and some pure sweater, I also have some pupmkin hulsey crosses.
Hi all, I just set up a thread link from the Where am I/where are you-southern ca thread to see if I can generate more interest. We have quite a few interested people and no one has mentioned another meeting place [except Griffith Park] so it might be Riverside park. I am going to look into the link that ONTHESPOT sent [thank you for that] and see what we can do!

P.s. Anyone that wants to CARPOOL out to there it might be a great idea to save a few $$$$ on gas and have more fun just getting there.
MORE JUNK TO THROW YER WAY.......we could have a play-day too. IDEAS; cutest pet quality bird / stupid pet tricks / smallest bird / biggest bird / prettiest color / craziest color / biggest comb / loudest crow / things like that......Not all of us have show birds [like me] but we could still have fun showing our birds.........
I would also potentially be interested in a meet-up. I would be coming from up the 5 freeway past Valencia - personally Griffith Park sounds good, or Balboa Park would also be a good location (for me, anyway). It just depends on where people are coming from. If it's Riverside, I'd have to pass:)

Please keep on the list ! I don't have chickens to bring - but, would like to take some home with me :)
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I live in Ridgecrest and love to go to meet-ups but it would be great if they were closer. The Lancaster/Palmdale area is about how far I like to travel although I have been know to venture to San Diego and combine that with a visit to my cousin's and his wife house. I do not know how far Riverside is but I should find out since I know that I pass a sign to turnoff to Riverside. Anyway all the input on location leaves me out since I live so far.

But if anyone want to carpool from the northern areas I am agreeable to that. Mary
I also may possibly come depending on when/where. I am in East San Diego and raise serama, oegb, San Diego Zoo Red Jungle Fowl, silkie/showgirl and ducks. I've got the RJF, OEGB, Serama and ducklings hatching March 19-26.

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