Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

How exciting! New chicks! I am looking forward to seeing lots of fluffy baby pictures soon Karen.

I am, fingers crossed, going to make it on Saturday. You have no idea how long I have been looking forward to this. I don't have a chicken shirt yet but I do have my Derby Hat that I added chicken feathers to. It's a bit large though so something tells me I won't be wearing it. Does anyone want to try and meet up by Roberta's table around lunch time? We could all have a chat and some food, and possibly buy all her earrings. I also have a little gift for you, CFG, I hope you like it and I hope it makes up for me tagging you with that nickname.

Oh there is so much paperwork yet to get to the bottom of on my desk..... naturally I will delay it a little longer and read through all the posts I missed out on.
Congrats on the puppy! So cute! I will be there on the 19th. I was going to help with set up this past saturday, but I was not up to it. I have been looking forward to this show since last years!
I will be wearing one of my GoldenEgg special tshirts. Probably the chicken math one.

I ordered a pet playpen online. It came today. It's huge! I can't wait to set it up for the babies to visit outside. The bottom zips out so I can leave it on the ground, and there's a mesh top that zips into place to keep the hawks away. It all folds up neatly into a carry bag.

I'm staying home tomorrow to work in the yard, rain and all. I have to take the kitten to the vet and I'm hoping to get a PT appointment. And we're going to section off a corner of the coop for the chicks so I can move two of them out. Blanche will stay in with Lavinia until she's bigger. But the other three are too big to keep in the brooder box anymore. So Blanche will have to be cramped with the baby for now.

Can't wait to see how that's gonna mess up the pecking order!
So I have some berry bushes that I covered with bird netting early more to keep the chickens out than anything else - made a make-shift fence out of Sassafras limbs and chicken fencing - but I see the chipmunks are already getting in. I was saying this afternoon, "Oh I'm going to have to put mousetraps out for those chipmunks!" and lo and behold, there's two of them caught in the bird netting. Must have gotten through it but couldn't get back out again. One of them managed to dash off but the other one got its back foot stuck in the netting. Did I kill it? Of course not. I spent five minutes carefully cutting it out of the netting so it wouldn't be injured. I am such a weenie. I'll have good karma but no blueberries.

Which is my other point that I've been mulling over lately. I sent out a mass email to friends that I hadn't been in touch with for months about the puppy, and a few got back to me all excited that I had chickens and could I tell them how to do it, etc, etc. I was surprised to say the least, since one of them gave away his hunting dogs when he moved from California to NY because he wanted to live in the city instead of renting a place in the suburbs, and he travels constantly for work. The other friend is a fabulous person that well, let's just say I can't see him picking up poop other than his own. He is very fancy. Since when did being a farmer become a trend? I ended up trying to discourage friend "J" as much as I could without telling him he's not really an animal person and I haven't even replied to friend "A" yet. "J" said he even wants mini-cattle, and goats and sheep! I'm like, err, you just got married, what does your wife think about all this? Plus you realize you can't ever leave on vacation or work, right? I know he's not wealthy so it's not like he has a Martha Stewart type arrangement with caretakers and the like.

Have you all had friends tell you they so want to have chickens too, and you just hold your breath and think, "Erm, no, that is not for you."? What do you say?

Then I ended up emailing him links to video of battery hens and watching them myself and crying my eyes out on Mother's Day. Oh boy. It's all good though, its nice to be reminded of why I was once a vegetarian. Hubby is away on business this week and I'm trying to go veg for the whole week he's gone. We shall see what preschoolers think about tempeh stir fry tomorrow night, heh heh....

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