Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

LOL I love it that the chick was just walking down the road xD and I am always carefull.... Most of the time... Some times... Oh, Who am I kidding
You are the best. The last lab I worked at in Planview after moving here from Ithaca I was called a NIT PICKING S**T HEAD I have to say I wore that name as a badge of honor.The products I was responsible for were used to identify infectious organisms in hospitals. I certainly did not want things to go wrong once they were released. I didn't just take it as a 9-5 job .
I have my son on tape for his first Thanksgiving -I asked him what you get from uncooked turkey and his reply was Salmonella. Or something pretty close to that.So if I come off as an obsessed crazy woman. I am. You are the best. Stay safe.
Hey, this is the nesting box blend I was talking about on Saturday -

I looked up their site, and the other ingredients are chamomile, lavender, regular mint, a few others - basically a blend of soothing dried herbs. So take that catmint, hang it somewhere hot and dry like in a furnace room, and add in a pinch of this and a pinch of that, and you have something nice and soothing for your ladies when they lay. Epazote, which is an herb used in Mexican cooking, also has an anti-insect property to it, as well as marigold. Maybe try mixing some of those in too.
I have GOT to get that! Sounds like something even I'd like to smell in my house! I have the "Treats for chickens-Chicken Crack" (love the name) it's all kinds of good stuff, and the girls know what the package sounds like, and come running. I like Tilly's nest, it's a nice wholesome site of good ideas! Thanks!
You are the best. The last lab I worked at in Planview after moving here from Ithaca I was called a NIT PICKING S**T HEAD I have to say I wore that name as a badge of honor.The products I was responsible for were used to identify infectious organisms in hospitals. I certainly did not want things to go wrong once they were released. I didn't just take it as a 9-5 job .
I have my son on tape for his first Thanksgiving -I asked him what you get from uncooked turkey and his reply was Salmonella. Or something pretty close to that.So if I come off as an obsessed crazy woman. I am. You are the best. Stay safe.
It's folks like you that keep the rest of us safe.

People in labs are supposed to behave that way-what you do is SO important. If people who worked in that capacity, were not careful, just imagine the tragedy that could result. No way, I'll take a Nit picking Poopy head every single time.
Someone come clean my reef aquarium.
Last time I stuck my hand in it real quick
to move a coral that fell i didnt put on gloves
and my fingers got attacked by bristle worms.
They break these tiny splinter things off
in your skin. Ouch my fingers were sore for
a week. I got revenge, I bought a fish that
hunts and eats them. So now I hate putting
my arm into the thing. Why am I talking about
fish in a chicken forum. Ha!
It's folks like you that keep the rest of us safe. :)

People in labs are supposed to behave that way-what you do is SO important. If people who worked in that capacity, were not careful, just imagine the tragedy that could result. No way, I'll take a Nit picking Poopy head every single time. :thumbsup

Bosses don't like it though. They get annoyed when you fail stuff.
"it's only outa spec a little" Oh yeah, want me to tell the FDA that!
Hahahaha. Jerks.
I'm having trouble making myself call
and cancel my day old chick order.
Ok well I tryed and guess what.....
I can not cancel because ship date is less than
2 weeks away. They advise that a local feed store
might take the chicks or I can put them on Craig's
list. Well great. I already will have chicks to get rid
of. At least these are girls so people might actually
want them.
Karen, what are you getting in? I am still looking to complete my chick collection (not that it will ever be complete). PM me with a list of what you will have, what they cost, and we can set something up so that I can have some more babies, you don't get into deep water with the folks, and if there are the right roo/hen trios I might be able to give you back eggs when you get your place upstate (or the second coop). Just a thought.
Good morning All; Of course I have to comment: Yes rabies has been moving further and further North and these animals have been losing more and more of their natural habitat . Wouldn't it be nice if we could put them up in these abandoned strip mall all over Long Island. What everyone has to be extremely careful of is that these animals can do serious damage to you in just a few seconds(gun or no gun; even in a trap) . I have witnessed it first hand years ago when I was a nature director in Bear Mountain State Park for the summer with my husband.
Now if I offend any MD's or wives of MD's out there I apologize . Several years ago while at Cornell Vet school one of the secrataries husbands became very ill. Complete body shut down.My boss Dr. Shin received samples from him. We were able to diagnose what literally was killing him.He had skinned 2 raccoons and contracted Leptospirosis . Many hospitals can miss oddball infectious diseases I don't care how good they are..I always said if I pass out , drag my butt over to the large animal clinic and let them do their thing. Its not only rabies we have to be concerned with.

Please everyone be VERY careful its the time of year where these animals are out hunting for their young.You can kick the soap box out from under me now.
(Caleb please be safe.) Not as one of your chick moms but as a friend and a microbiologist with OCD
Now for a funny story; Last night my neighbor knocked on my back door and handed me one of my baby Polish chicks. Some how she got out of the box and was heading across the road.(go ahead bring on the jokes).They were in the brooder in the garage and I left the door open since it was so nice.Time for some wire over the top.
I didn't know you are a microbiologist! Totally cool. You are completely right about healthcare pros missing diagnoses, we all do (I am a DC, not an MD, but I still have diagnosis in my scope). It is like the tick borne diseases as well. Everyone worries about Lyme's, but there are a dozen others they carry too. On the other story: Polish babies are sooooo cute! What color?
I am getting from MPC (girls) may 30th
White Cochin, buff orp, partridge rock, silver laced Wyandotte,
Welsummer, A rare marans (hatchery choice)

I have 4 bbs orps, 4 wheaten/blue wheaten Ameraucana
I'm keeping one of each of those

I have incubating
3 cream legbar eggs due in a few days.
I hope I get a boy and a girl. If I do I don't need to keep one
I'll just get some eggs from you next spring.
I also have 2 molted java and 1 Appen spitz eggs due at the
same time (I cooked the rest of those eggs so not sure
What I'll get outa this batch)

Golden cuckoo marans and Barnevelder due June 1st
Welsummer due June 6

I don't want money, I just want a good home for them.
Last edited:
Good morning All; Of course I have to comment: Yes rabies has been moving further and further North and these animals have been losing more and more of their natural habitat . Wouldn't it be nice if we could put them up in these abandoned strip mall all over Long Island. What everyone has to be extremely careful of is that these animals can do serious damage to you in just a few seconds(gun or no gun; even in a trap) . I have witnessed it first hand years ago when I was a nature director in Bear Mountain State Park for the summer with my husband.
Now if I offend any MD's or wives of MD's out there I apologize . Several years ago while at Cornell Vet school one of the secrataries husbands became very ill. Complete body shut down.My boss Dr. Shin received samples from him. We were able to diagnose what literally was killing him.He had skinned 2 raccoons and contracted Leptospirosis . Many hospitals can miss oddball infectious diseases I don't care how good they are..I always said if I pass out , drag my butt over to the large animal clinic and let them do their thing. Its not only rabies we have to be concerned with.

Please everyone be VERY careful its the time of year where these animals are out hunting for their young.You can kick the soap box out from under me now.
(Caleb please be safe.) Not as one of your chick moms but as a friend and a microbiologist with OCD
Now for a funny story; Last night my neighbor knocked on my back door and handed me one of my baby Polish chicks. Some how she got out of the box and was heading across the road.(go ahead bring on the jokes).They were in the brooder in the garage and I left the door open since it was so nice.Time for some wire over the top.
I always knew that was something wild rabbits carried, which is why you can't let your dog eat any rabbits they catch, but I didn't know raccoons carried it too. Good to know. Yes, I wear heavy welding gloves whenever handling anything wild, even if it's just a squirrel. I worked at a nature center where people used to drop off wild animals to be rehabilitated, and most of the long-time employees contracted mange at one point or another. Yeck. Not to mention fleas, mites, ticks, etc. Did you all see the footage of the alligator attacking the reptile expert that was volunteering his time? He ended up with a nasty bite on the arm for his trouble. Wild means wild, and you really don't know where the animal has been.
I am getting from MPC (girls) may 30th
White Cochin, buff orp, partridge rock, silver laced Wyandotte,
Welsummer, A rare marans (hatchery choice)
I have 4 bbs orps, 4 wheaten/blue wheaten Ameraucana
I'm keeping one of each of those
I have incubating
3 cream legbar eggs due in a few days.
I hope I get a boy and a girl. If I do I don't need to keep one
I'll just get some eggs from you next spring.
I also have 2 molted java and 1 Appen spitz eggs due at the
same time (I cooked the rest of those eggs so not sure
What I'll get outa this batch)
Golden cuckoo marans and Barnevelder due June 1st
Welsummer due June 6
I don't want money, I just want a good home for them.
See what hatches out for you and then you can decide who you are keeping. I will give some a good home for you though, I might be able to take as many as 5 (then I start running out of coop). If those legbars hatch out I will build a breeding pen for them. Do you think they are related though? I suppose I can look for some unrelated birds to add in.

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