Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Actually I am Homeschooled
So I get to stay home allllllll day =] lol
Rain = indoor recess = mayhem.

But I need the rain for the grass seed I planted.

Today is day 18. Lockdown begins tonight.
You've got that right with indoor recess. We don't have the facilities for these kids to burn off their lunches!!! Heaven forbid they be required to sit and read or something.

My tomatoes and peppers are enjoying the rain too. Not me. My hair frizzes to the point of unkempt poodle. Woof.
I really wish I could. As it is, I think I have at least 4 roosters among the youngsters and I did just get rid of those two adult terrorists that were chasing my DD around the yard every day. Poor kid was terrified to go out to play. This next batch is probably destined for freezer camp (unless any of you want a rooster?
). It really would be cute to have a tiny rooster in with those big hens. It would make for some fun perspective photos. DD would probably wear his feathers off from carrying him around, as it is everytime I look outside she has Velmer under her arm and he has to be about 1/2 her weight. Thank goodness he is a big moosh with people. His brother, Henry, used to attack strangers. He went after the Fed Ex guy once. Henry was coming up the deck steps after the guy had placed the package on the porch so the guy vaulted over the side of the deck and did the garden run obstacle course to get back to his truck. Now they make me pick up my stuff at the office.
I felt bad for the guy, but it was pretty funny. The neighbors kids were in tears watching the scene unfold.

I hear those little bantams can get quite fiesty though.

That sounds very funny and terrifying all at the same time. Poor FedEx guy! I can't imagine what would happen up here. I think people should have junkyard roosters instead of junkyard dogs, lol. My quote was an attempt at referencing the Jersey Shore show, something I've never been able to make myself sit all the way through. Apparently you have situations where two large beefy guys flex and and sort of face-off against each other on the dance floor but they don't actually hit each other.

We had puppy class last night for the first time! Went pretty well for both of us, no pee pee accidents on the floor for either parties.

I put a call in to our local nature center that has a Cochin hen, I'm hoping they wouldn't mind a roo to go along with her. We'll see I guess....

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