Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

thanks! I ran out of room posting pictures and PMs are an issue...the title change was certainly an added benefit

I hardboiled/steamed the egg or two when we got our first, celery salt, cracked pepper, toasted italian bread egg salad samwich, enjoyed it...good stuff planned for yours bud?
im'a hang out around here, Ive "picked my feet in poughkeepsie" before, been to the catskill game farm a hundred times, etc....hope you don't mind a Yankee/Gator watching ya'll.

Hang out here anytime you like. You're still a Yankee and they can't take that away from you. Or wash it off, either.

The more the merrier, and we hope we are a connection for you to times well spent up north. I think we appreciate NY more after we left the state than when we are living here. The good memories survive.

Catskill game farm. A shame its gone. Took the kids there and still have the pics somewhere. Where does the time go?

I'm feeling sentimental about this egg but know I'll have to do something before long. A couple more and I'm going to make that egg salad you did. Now I'm getting hungry.

BTW, how do you like my new title? Saw you did it and remembered I needed to take advantage of it too.

Best wishes,

man, I was pretty sure they picked it for you...fits perfect with the avatar, but then what do you expect of a NYer, so close to the fashion capitol of the world.
Ours needed the fan blowing into the run yesterday and the day before. They were panting pretty much after the sun got onto the run. Today was a better one.

Two more of the girls are doing the squat. Yeah! Getting an egg every other day from the one layer right now. Can't wait for the others to go into production mode.
My Birds are doing fine. I put covers on their run, so they have shade all day long. Also since we are on the roof, so it is pretty windy. I hope there are no more hot days.
Our birds are doing well. I let the hens out of their run and they seem to find cool spots. The chicks are the ones I was worried about they are in a cage on our covered deck even with two fans running it was getting to 85-87 degrees! They did ok yesterday, I hope that was the last of it!
hot, hot, hot, lucky its been raining down here in the afternoons. but now the grass grows so fast, I need to cut it twice a week... I grab handfuls and toss it to my Quail. they love it.

stay cool!
Looks like we are getting another nice day today. Two beautiful days in a row, and it would be nice if the entire summer could be like this.

Must be close to unbearable down your way, Model A. Pack the humidity on top of that heat and it has to be super uncomfortable.

not saying its dead on accurate but to compare the hottest this therm got last year was 107...

the rain offers some relief now and then football comes around
and then NY in Oct for us, if just for a week,

be safe.

btw, I am a "...zynski", please- my friends call me "TD", its been said already, I aint no "model"
TD it is. Man, that is way too hot for me. It has been a really nice day here. Been so nice for two days that our one that is laying just gave us an extra large egg today. Went a few days with no egg so this was a pleasant surprise. Hoping the rest of them join in soon. They are all doing the squat except one.

Keep cool, TD.


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