Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Hey, Welcome to the thread.
I'd hate to call you stoopid in greeting you. Got a first name or nickname?

Hope we can build up the thread to include enough of us from down this end of NY to be able to help each other and become friends.

I've done a few posts, all in the wrong places. I am not computer literate, as far as these threads go, so for the next few weeks, things will be kind of messy! Peaches (pea-chick) is finally sleeping, so I can type with 2 hands, not that THAT is gonna make it any easier!!
I wanted Peafowl for a while, it's amazing what you can buy on e-bay! She/he/it is a miracle she hatched at all. I overbid just because the eggs were coming from Boston, I knew they wouldn't get too beat up thru USPS. WRONG!!! 1st batch took 7 days (priority mail), 2nd batch took 9 days (priority again). The nice lady offered to refund my money...but NO I want peas!, So I offer to pay even more ($20.) to get next day...I can't throw all these duds out, so they ALL go in the bator. And slowly I pick out all the duds, and drill and blow, maybe I can do some egg crafting with them.
I picked one up on Monday, and it felt kinda warm... put it down, and there's a pip on the side! These suckers never got turned, just however they rolled when I turned the "good ones". Got home from work, and there's Peaches! She is kind of slow, but I've never had peafowl before. A learning experience for me!
I've had chickens for about 10 years, I got lyme disease, and wanted to combat the tick problem with guineas. UGH. Get chickens instead. Really.
I've showed my japanese bantam a few times, and now I have SQ silkies, along with some black copper marans. I plan on going to some shows this fall, unfortunately being on Long Island is "geographically unsuitable". Went to Sussex county, and Delmarva, but the shows upstate are a HIKE.
Regards to all my new friends on BYC, Roberta
Roberta, what a great story! Glad Peaches hatched. She seems to be really attached to you. Or is it the other way around? Good luck raising peafowl. One homeowner here had about 5 of them. They were all peacocks and they were beautiful.

I saw a white one in Costs Rica back in '05 that would take your breath away. Even though it was a peacock, it looked like a bride when its plumage was on full display.
Yes, I hope this doesn't turn into a mess like the guineas... I mean they were sweet and all... but the CLAMOR. I've got too many roos (oops, wait. CHICKEN MATH... town ordinances...) and am waiting till they fill in to cull so my little friend at work can feed his family. I just gave him a beautiful splash marans roo... he was just too much of a handful with all the other candidates, so dinner it was! I will say again, I have someone at work in Smithtown who will eat your roos, and I am also setting him up with some birds so he can make his own flock.
Anyway, this whole peacock thing is a big experiment...will have to put in some different peches and modify coops...oops, wait. Honey, can you build me ANOTHER??? We have 2 now, and he was talking about a 3rd for the babies, so does that mean 4? Chicken math..I LIKE that phrase!! I have a BEAUTIFUL VERY WELL BEHAVED Birchen marans roo that needs a home. Will post pics whenever I figure out how to. Also some blue silkies would like to place before the winter..aba banded, stock from CJ's.
Sorry about the long posts, I feel I finally found a place I can talk about my birdies YAY!! And now everyone has to endure till my brain is empty...Thanks, guys, Roberta
OMG I just clicked on magsrags utube video... I'm in tears...FANTASTIC!! This is why we have chickens!!
And just ordered the book!
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OK, all you Long Islanders, and anyone willing to travel.... I ordered the "pullet special" from My pet chicken, and of course, have TOO MANY chicks....(chicken math, chicken math) breathe...
Is there anyone out there that needs a few girls? I have no idea what breeds, have been guessing, and I know I sound like a FOOL. But, I would like to place these babes before the winter.
Anyone interested, send me a message. Thanks, Roberta

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