Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Nice day today, so I decided I'd try to get some updated shots of the gang ...

Here's Porter and Dolly. These were the Plymouth Rock babies I got in the fall ... had hoped for two hens, but he's clearly a boy! Dolly started laying this week.

Here's Conway mid-crow.

Conway and Loretta pick through their fresh hay.

Tammy, meanwhile, is getting ready to lay.

I also bought a small incubator from Stromberg's, and am going to attempt to hatch some eggs. If any of them are successful, I should have some chicks on March 9! I put in four Japanese Bantam eggs (two from Tammy, two from Loretta), and one Plymouth Rock. Not sure if the Rock egg is fertilized ... since she just started laying, it may not be, though I have noticed Porter "bothering" her, so maybe ... lol.

Great shots, George.
I was just holding Georgie this morning, he just doesn't fit in. Poor boy, he stays in the coop all day.
I figured by now he would have found his niche.
At least he isn't all beat up, he seems to do OK.
Maybe I will find him a nice girl at Delmarva.
That show is in Harrington, Delaware March 31-April 1, and is the JBBA club national meet.

I just came from Abi Bengel's house, picked up some gorgeous paint Silkie chicks.
She's a local, and has posted here.
Thanks, Abi. We had a blast at your place. I brought Vera along for moral support.
But it seems, as long as you love chickens, you are a friend, whether you know it or not.

I hope everyone is feeling better.

Hey, Suzanne... When is the next time you are going upstate?
I promised Rich chickendude chicks, and messed up on a delivery date.
Maybe we can get you guys together.
Is'nt it funny how chicken people find each other. I've made many friends through the years looking for chickens. I have some of Abi's paint chicks. They are looking very nice and hoping one is a roo so I can breed to my black hens. Dont know how thats going to go yet with two roos but I've wanted paint for so long now that I have to try plus Presley is 4 yrs old so I dont know how much longer he is going to be the stud that he thinks he is. Roberta are you going to breed the paint to black? I read from several people that is the best way to go. I also have white & I will keep the other paints to see what the best color combo's will be
Well... since I traded all my black girls to Abi...
Dunno yet. I know I definately have a boy from her today.
Maybe some of my showgirl eggs will hatch out black at the end of the month.
That would be interesting!

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