Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

DO IT DO IT!! I'll take a girl if u have extra.
Disclaimer: I'm a bit drunk

...and this is why I love reading this thread.

Aren't you starting the St. Patrick's Day celebrating a bit early though?
Now I am remembering the old joke about a seven-course Irish meal: a six-pack and a potato. Surely there is some chicken math equivalent. Chicken Lover's seven-course meal: 6 boiled eggs and one beer.
Happy St. Patrick's Day all!
Come one Heather, you know you want a Lavender Orpington.

10 parrots, Roberta? yikes.
You know I do, buuuuut.... where do I put it? I need to make the coop bigger and just discovered the guy that originally built it moved to Philly in Jan. If only I had some skills with construction. Can I interest anyone in trading building skills for cooking? I'll happily cater a dinner party of 10 for you just don't ask me to saw things. Shoot.
I never know if we're talking about birds or the guys I've dated...

Okay, I need someone to say "DO IT, DO IT!!" about hatching Lavender Orpington chickens. (It occurs to me that last year at this time I had no idea what an Orpington was, let alone that I would want to hatch one.)

Come on, guys. I'm counting on you!

I had an african grey once upon a time named Casper...... he lived 29 years. He was great.
He understood me, and would talk to me.
Okay, I should probably take my medication now..... :)
Good morning all; I had a double yellow headed amazon for over 24 years.He was my baby and best friend until my son Adam was born(boy did Elton John(the parrot) hate Adam. He died last year .I still miss him terribly. Between him and my Austrialian Cattle dog I will never have such another pair of loyal friends.
I'm sorry I know how hard it is to lose a parrot friend/child,
I'm still not over mine he is buried in the backyard with a gargoyle
as a marker and guardian I still give him flowers and peanuts (his fav
treat). And it's been about 4 years now since I lost him

I am NOT going to the agway chicken thing today. They have a thing
On the website that says NY law prohibits them from selling less than
Six chicks. ??? I know if I go I will have to get chicks and I already
have more coming in may. I will be good. Really I will. This is SO hard
The Barred Plymouth Rock chick is now a week-and-a-half old, and doing well ... wings have already feathered out, and the little sneak is using them to try to escape the brooder! It's managed to fly up to the rim of the 18" galvanized tub and perch there. I'm going to have to cover it today, before it manages to fly out of the tub and directly into the mouth of the always-hungry beagle!

Another batch of eggs is on Day 10 in the incubator, so I'm hoping to get one or two siblings for the little guy in a week or so!

...and this is why I love reading this thread.

Aren't you starting the St. Patrick's Day celebrating a bit early though?
Now I am remembering the old joke about a seven-course Irish meal: a six-pack and a potato. Surely there is some chicken math equivalent. Chicken Lover's seven-course meal: 6 boiled eggs and one beer.
Happy St. Patrick's Day all!

Haha!!! It was my niece's 21st birthday and my family decided it was up to me to hang out
with her and keep her out of trouble. Ugh she drinks 151, tastes like rat pee. My tummy
hurts but I out drank her and am up at 11am she's still sleeping like the babe she is.
Woot. I win !!!

Thankfully she only gets ONE 21st birthday cause I totally remember now
WHY I don't drink much (anymore....really)
Your chick is sooo cute :)
Good luck with the new hatch.

My one dog (year old bichon) has decided he
Is guardian of my brooder. He keeps the other dog and cats
away from them. I think he would climb in with them
and be moma hen if he could.
When I have the girls out he lays near them.
They love to run over and peck his nose. It's so funny.
Darn it my brooder bulb just burnt out after 3 weeks of use.
Luckily I have another lower wattage one, hung the lamp lower
So temp is good. Have to buy a new one for next batch.

Don't they make anything to last anymore. /sigh

Corned beef and cabbage cooking. Yummy
Gave the girls a piece of cabbage and some carrot
shavings. They are playing with them. :D

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