Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Sounds like you're having a great weekend and a well deserved one.What treasures did you find. I've been going antiquing to shows and auctions my whole life.My husband wants no part of it.I travel all over the North East by myself.Be careful driving home.
We are in Fishkill (not Poughkeepsie, as I previously reported). I remembered the wrong city and the wrong hotel. Thought it was Poughkeepsie Marriott, but it was the Fishkill Hilton. So now we're in the Fishkill Mariott. Six of one, I guess. Got the restaurant right, though. Hudson's Ribs and Fish. Looks casual, but really outstanding food.

We're a very 21st century couple. I'm streaming netflix on my laptop and he's doing the same (different show) on his ipad. It's almost like being together! But we had lots of fun antiquing in Cold Spring and I'm looking forward to Stormville tomorrow. I brought along a new crochet project, which is coming along great. Just something small to keep me busy.

We've talked through a lot of the emotional stuff that I think is causing my anxiety. I feel like if I get it talked out, I can put it behind me. It was great to take our time coming up and discuss all my future plans for earning a living. Scary, but in a way exciting. It will be nice to be able to do what I'm good at without getting bogged down with a bunch of bureaucracy.

Oh yeah, and I'm bidding on White Orpington and Light Sussex hatching eggs. Somehow, that didn't come up in the conversation today....

Hope you're all enjoying the weekend. The weather today was gorgeous. Hoping for more of the same tomorrow.
I got a text message from Laura last night that when she came home around 10 to lock up the coop, Gladys was MIA. I'm sure she went over the fence into the front yard and probably spent the night in the quince bush. I'm so mad at her - she is sooo grounded! Literally. I have no room in the coop for disobedient chickens. Going to clip her wings...


But first, I'm going to do some damage at Stormville!
Had my first chicken mortality yesterday. One of my Japanese Bantams, Loretta, took ill during the week. She showed the symptoms of having either some sort of crop/digestive system blockage, or possibly being eggbound: She was lethargic, a bit bloated, not laying, barely eating, drinking or pooping, and lost the color from her comb. Tried all the recommendations -- olive oil at both ends, warm bath and massaging her underside, electrolytes & vitamins and an antibiotic in the water, etc. -- but no improvement. I had her in a crate in the house where she could be warm, quiet and undisturbed by the others, and when she seemed to take a turn for the worse yesterday, I wrapped her in a towel and sat her on my lap while watching the hockey playoffs. That's when she let go.

Which leads me to a question ... what have others done with their chicken's remains when they've passed on? Buried in the backyard, burned, or disposed of in the garbage? I'm not sure which is the right thing to do, but I'm leaning toward burial. Thoughts?

On a happier note ... smkchick: Love the photo above. Where'd you get popovers shaped like dog heads?! Looks just like a bloodhound!

Sorry to hear about Loretta :( I think burial would be best.

Long Islanders check out the 2 page article in Newsday
about the growing chicken hobby :D

We are getting popular.

That squril hiding in the tree hole is so cute. I like squrils.
I hope Gladys was found and is back with her sisters.
I had to clip my EE wing she was a big time flyer.
Clipping just one wing worked great. She can only fly in
little circles now. She was MAD at me for 2 days but then
got over it.
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George, sorry about Loretta. They are small enough to bury, if you plant some spring flowers, put her in the hole with them.
The ones without names usually go in the garbage.
Or us folks in the woods chuck them over the fence, and let the raccoons eat them.
Maybe it will make the coons sick. Good.

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