Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

For the past few days a Baltimore oriole has been going crazy in the top of my tree. I really hope he gets the girl and they decide to stay in the yard this year. They are such amazing birds. Maybe I'll get some oranges and hang them up to try and entice them to stay.
The Baltimore Oriole is a very pretty bird, usually way high up in a tree and harder to spot. But if it's nesting try to see the nest because they are 'weavers'. They weave a hanging basket nest for their nest. Nice to see when you get a glimpse!
Just have to announce, it's official, we now have our very own little flock of chickens! Yay!

I have 3 Black Sex Links, 2 Barred Rock and 2 Ameraucana.

They are a week old and doing great!

I'm looking to add a Mille Fleur d'uccle Bantam in about a week and a half. After that I will start to build an addition or new coop because I know how the chicken math goes and the more varieties I see the more I'd like to have!

I'm not the best with pictures but I'm adding this one here of the girls!!

Just have to announce, it's official, we now have our very own little flock of chickens! Yay!

I have 3 Black Sex Links, 2 Barred Rock and 2 Ameraucana.

They are a week old and doing great!

I'm looking to add a Mille Fleur d'uccle Bantam in about a week and a half. After that I will start to build an addition or new coop because I know how the chicken math goes and the more varieties I see the more I'd like to have!

I'm not the best with pictures but I'm adding this one here of the girls!!

Congrats on your new flock! And if you find someone with a Millefleur D'Uccle pullet please let me know, I'd really like to add one to my flock too
Just have to announce, it's official, we now have our very own little flock of chickens! Yay!

I have 3 Black Sex Links, 2 Barred Rock and 2 Ameraucana.

They are a week old and doing great!

I'm looking to add a Mille Fleur d'uccle Bantam in about a week and a half. After that I will start to build an addition or new coop because I know how the chicken math goes and the more varieties I see the more I'd like to have!

I'm not the best with pictures but I'm adding this one here of the girls!!

Congrats on your new flock! And if you find someone with a Millefleur D'Uccle pullet please let me know, I'd really like to add one to my flock too
Yep, I live in Longwood. AND, I WAS a volunteer fireman for Ridge co #1 a few years back.
But there, the girls are treated differently than the boys.
Part of training is to carry a 100 lb dummy up stairs donned in your SCBA and such.
But every weekend, I would be forced to wash the fire trucks.
Look for something else to do.... say, dump the garbage?
"Oh, no honey. You need to get some help. You're gonna hurt yourself."
By picking a bag of trash and throwing it in the dumpster??
So after getting annoyed about being treated like a girl, I kept washing trucks.
And every week, you need to check all the equipment on those trucks, and make sure they have gas, and start.
So one day I picked up a chainsaw, and flipped the choke, pushed the primer, and started it on the first pull.
EVERYONE looked like Holy Crap, she knows how to do that???
I quit the Ridge FD. I was a fireman out west in Utah, never had any crap.
Drove the truck a few times, stick shift and all.
Not here. Needless to say, our dept. has THE WORST response time on Long Island.
And don't get me going on the ambulances.
Sorry if I offended anyone, but I can't make this crap up....

Laura insists on being treated like one of the guys. In fact, her chief told her she was a fireman. Not a firefighter, but a fireman. Her nickname, by the way, is "Hammer". Of course, she's 5' nuthin and weighs like 100 lbs., and can't start the chainsaw on the first pull. But because of her size, she specializes in "technical rescue" which means tight places and such. At HMFD, they all wash and inventory the trucks and wash the pots after dinners...Except the fat guys with more than 5 years.
Ok doke - so the mystery blue birds are in fact Tree Swallows. I checked the box today and there is one small white egg that I can see. After the chickadees mysteriously disappeared only days after they hatched I'm not going to mess with it after that. I'm not sure what happened with the chickadees but I doubt they were able to fly that fast. As I was taking the first set of pictures I spotted an opossum in the back corner of the yard - this was at 5:00pm - so he may have had something to do with that. The entry hole for the box is pretty big too so it could have been a blue jay or a crow or something else like that? Not sure. Anyway - here are my spring nesting guests #2 for the box:

Heather, those pictures are gorgeous. Do you have a bird cam? Gotta get me one of those.
LOL, When we first got our last batch of little ones, I walked in on my dad, HOLDING a day old chick SINGING to it.... Of course he will NEVER admit it =] lol

My dad used to complain about the family cats all the time. But he was an insomniac and if you went downstairs in the middle of the night, you'd catch him snuggling the cats while he was reading. I remember a couple of years before he died talking to him on the phone and hearing birds singing in the background. He lived in Manhattan, so I asked about the birds. Turns out he had love birds in his apartment. It blew me away. I never saw him as a bird person. Unfortunately, the birds died before he did. I would have loved to have kept them...
Tonight I got an invitation to join a facebook group for alumni of my old elementary school in Baldwin. They're closing the school (don't get me started) and people have been sharing memories. There's going to be a party on June 9th. I'm planning to go - with plenty of tissues. The school was a few blocks from my mom's house and we used to walk there. Kindergarten through 6th Grade in the same school with the same teachers and the same kids. Talk about fond memories. I'm crying already.
Just have to announce, it's official, we now have our very own little flock of chickens! Yay!

I have 3 Black Sex Links, 2 Barred Rock and 2 Ameraucana.

They are a week old and doing great!

I'm looking to add a Mille Fleur d'uccle Bantam in about a week and a half. After that I will start to build an addition or new coop because I know how the chicken math goes and the more varieties I see the more I'd like to have!

I'm not the best with pictures but I'm adding this one here of the girls!!

Congratulations, Maxx! They're beautiful. And great breeds, too. Just think, by Thanksgiving, you'll be eating fresh eggs.
Congrats on your new flock! And if you find someone with a Millefleur D'Uccle pullet please let me know, I'd really like to add one to my flock too

The guy is having a hatch in 1 1/2 weeks (his own flock) and it's straight run, and they go fast. I didn't ask how many eggs he has in the 'bator. Is there a way to sex them early? Things I can look for?

Also I don't think he ships.

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