Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

I have a friend who wants to get chickens, does anyone know where on Long Island she can go to see coop styles and possibly purchase?

Out here coops are a FORTUNE. She might be better off checking Long Island craigslist! I have several places by me that sell coops (without the run!!) and the cheapest that I've seen is 500.
Ebay has some nice ones for a few chickens too.
George; I checked The Chicken Health Handbook, what a waste that book is. Absolutely nothing. Keep an eye on her and make sure it doesn't affect her breathing. Is it soft or hard like her beak(now that sounds perverted)???? Good luck

Yeah, I have that book, too, and it's hard to find anything in it! The growth is hard, like the beak, and it doesn't seem to be hurting her breathing. Guess I'll just keep an eye on it. May also post in the medical thread and see if anyone over there has any additional comment.

Thanks for the responses, gang.

Oh, and howlingood, I agree on the recommendation of Agway in Riverhead for coops. They get them in stock pretty regularly, and restock fairly often when they run out. I've bought one from them, and they offered a nice deal when it was all said and done.

Thanks Suzanne, I will let her know, she wants three.

Let's see. If she wants three, she'll end up with 14.
That was pretty smart thinking to get the stray back! Totally going to have to use that one in the future.
Your zuke is victim of too much rain. You can try removing some of the leaves to get more airflow going. I seem to have a chipmunk who wants to taste test all of the squash but not eat it all the way. He just nibbles on each one.

It was either that or go around the block and up a side street to my neighbor's house. Necessity isn't the mother of invention. Laziness is.

I had trimmed some of the leaves to get some more sun in the area. Maybe I'll take a few more off. I was watering a lot for the tomatoes, but I think I'll keep the zucchini out of the watering zone for awhile. I never have luck with zucchini. People complain they get too much - I'd like to try that!

Between the rain and the Houdini act, I kept the girls in today. There was some complaining. So I went shopping...

Bobby and I are REALLY testing our relationship. He's started teaching me to play piano. Check the police blotter for further developments.
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Morning All; Well when we start building our ark the old " 2 by 2" is going to be really screwed up with chicken math.

Had a crazy day yesterday. Went to get Richard his coffee from Star Bucks. While waiting for it to be brewed I notice a woman park her car in front of SB's get out with all the windows locked up tight and leave a little poodle like dog inside. It was when the sun had finally come out and my car thermometer read 77.Off she went down the street. I of course start to go a little crazy in the store. OK a little more crazy.I wait a couple minutes and she walks pass in the other direction. She was lost, and looking for the place up the block to get her legs or what ever waxed. At this point I go out of the store and let out a whistle to get her attention. I do and she yells from across the street that her AC is on and continues into the shop. Checked the car -no keys in the ignition. Now I am a raving wild person. NO I didn't throw a garbage can through the window(couldn't find one). I call 911 and proceed to wait for the cop to come, I wait and wait long enough for her to finish her waxing and come back to the car.Still no cop, so I confront her about the dangers of locking a dog in a car in the heat.It was not a nice conversation on my part.END of story -She jumps in her car when I tell her the police are coming and drives off.STILL no POLICE. I we in Star Bucks appologize, and tell them if the cops do show up that she and I are gone.Thank god it wasn't the heat wave of last week 'cause her window would have been broken and I would probably still be waiting for a cop....
Can't even tell Richard 'cause he would tell me that I should mind my own business...
Morning All; Well when we start building our ark the old " 2 by 2" is going to be really screwed up with chicken math.

Had a crazy day yesterday. Went to get Richard his coffee from Star Bucks. While waiting for it to be brewed I notice a woman park her car in front of SB's get out with all the windows locked up tight and leave a little poodle like dog inside. It was when the sun had finally come out and my car thermometer read 77.Off she went down the street. I of course start to go a little crazy in the store. OK a little more crazy.I wait a couple minutes and she walks pass in the other direction. She was lost, and looking for the place up the block to get her legs or what ever waxed. At this point I go out of the store and let out a whistle to get her attention. I do and she yells from across the street that her AC is on and continues into the shop. Checked the car -no keys in the ignition. Now I am a raving wild person. NO I didn't throw a garbage can through the window(couldn't find one). I call 911 and proceed to wait for the cop to come, I wait and wait long enough for her to finish her waxing and come back to the car.Still no cop, so I confront her about the dangers of locking a dog in a car in the heat.It was not a nice conversation on my part.END of story -She jumps in her car when I tell her the police are coming and drives off.STILL no POLICE. I we in Star Bucks appologize, and tell them if the cops do show up that she and I are gone.Thank god it wasn't the heat wave of last week 'cause her window would have been broken and I would probably still be waiting for a cop....
Can't even tell Richard 'cause he would tell me that I should mind my own business...

I don't blame you one bit. Next time tell her you will be photographing her and putting her on the Internet, and whip out your cell phone.
Morning All; Well when we start building our ark the old " 2 by 2" is going to be really screwed up with chicken math.

Had a crazy day yesterday. Went to get Richard his coffee from Star Bucks. While waiting for it to be brewed I notice a woman park her car in front of SB's get out with all the windows locked up tight and leave a little poodle like dog inside. It was when the sun had finally come out and my car thermometer read 77.Off she went down the street. I of course start to go a little crazy in the store. OK a little more crazy.I wait a couple minutes and she walks pass in the other direction. She was lost, and looking for the place up the block to get her legs or what ever waxed. At this point I go out of the store and let out a whistle to get her attention. I do and she yells from across the street that her AC is on and continues into the shop. Checked the car -no keys in the ignition. Now I am a raving wild person. NO I didn't throw a garbage can through the window(couldn't find one). I call 911 and proceed to wait for the cop to come, I wait and wait long enough for her to finish her waxing and come back to the car.Still no cop, so I confront her about the dangers of locking a dog in a car in the heat.It was not a nice conversation on my part.END of story -She jumps in her car when I tell her the police are coming and drives off.STILL no POLICE. I we in Star Bucks appologize, and tell them if the cops do show up that she and I are gone.Thank god it wasn't the heat wave of last week 'cause her window would have been broken and I would probably still be waiting for a cop....
Can't even tell Richard 'cause he would tell me that I should mind my own business...
You did exactly what I would have done. My problem is I mighta just used a garbage can to get my point across.
Here's a link to a PDF file you can print out and leave on someone's windshield if you don't see the owner:
I usually have a few in my glove box. [=][/]
I think I'll put a baseball bat in the backseat instead....along with the flyers in the glove box....

I know they have a good samaritan law in NY when it comes to people I'm just going to take it one step further....I'm tired of stupid people doing stupid SHIrT

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