Special Treats!!

Mine love ......doughnuts, spinach, basically anything that we don't eat , except citrus coffee grounds and meat
My chickens love meat, but we never GIVE it to them. They steal it from the dogs food bowl! Very entertaining, watching birds vs. dogs
My chickens love meat, but we never GIVE it to them. They steal it from the dogs food bowl! Very entertaining, watching birds vs. dogs :lau .

I found an egg with a crack in it so I cracked it open and put it in their bowl. It really is their favorite food, but I always worry they will start eating their eggs after they lay them. Has anyone had experience with that??
I found an egg with a crack in it so I cracked it open and put it in their bowl. It really is their favorite food, but I always worry they will start eating their eggs after they lay them. Has anyone had experience with that??

I wouldn't chance it by feeding raw eggs!
Quote: I doubt they will equate what's inside the egg with their own if you don't leave the shell intact. It's advised not to feed them their own shells unless you mash them up to where they no longer resemble an egg. With mine, I feed back their shells all the time, crushed into little pieces and I've had no issues with egg eating behavior. If I find a broken egg in the coop, I scoop it up (easy to do because I have a sand floor) and throw it out into the run too, minus the shell until I can crush it. I have one girl that consistently lays a soft shelled egg, most times off the roost overnight, and it almost always breaks, so those always go to the chickens in the mornings. I have had three so far that fell just right, into a thick pile of sand, and amazingly did not break. I took them in and cooked them right away and they were perfect.
Yesterday I found a hidden nest in the coop with 20 eggs in it, I did the float test they were all good so I scrambled them up and fed them to the chickens. I will not eat eggs that I don't know how old they are that's why I won't eat store bought eggs.
Yesterday I found a hidden nest in the coop with 20 eggs in it, I did the float test they were all good so I scrambled them up and fed them to the chickens. I will not eat eggs that I don't know how old they are that's why I won't eat store bought eggs.

What an unfortunate find. What's the float test? I'm still waiting for my first egg!

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