Special Treats!!

My three gold bantoms love corn, bread, and they practically destroy water Mellon within a few minutes. Rescued a little hen that fell out of a tyson truck yesterday night. She had bleeding in her mouth and we figured that she had some internal damage. She is okay but is a little bloody around one eye that stays shut. Don't know what she likes.:cd:idunno

Love that story. I bet she will be the best little chicken.
Mines go crazy for oats and plain yogurt mixed together. They love it and it's so funny seeing them get covered in the stuff and then try to clean it off. They also love bananas and they love lettuce. The lettuce must last all of 1 minute lol :lol:
My chickens love plain cold yogurt, ripe bananas, tomatoes and the peels, berries, eggs, and many other treats listed in BYC as safe for chickens. Sometimes I make up a suet cages and hang it for them to peck. They love it. Here are some fotos.

My chickens love plain cold yogurt, ripe bananas, tomatoes and the peels, berries, eggs, and many other treats listed in BYC as safe for chickens. Sometimes I make up a suet cages and hang it for them to peck. They love it. Here are some fotos.


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